Data Structure and Algoritims (F28DA)

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  • Time Usage

    The amount of time an algorithm takes to execute and solve a problem
  • Growth Rate
    Describes how an algorithm's running time or space requirements increase as the size of the input grows
  • Formal Definition of Big O Notation
    We say that f(n) is in O(g(n)) if there exists c and n0 such that f n <= c * g(n) for all n >= n0
  • Asymptotic Behavior
    Describes the behaviour of an algorithm as the input size approaches infinity, focusing on the dominant term in the time or space complexity
  • Simplifying Functions with Big O Notation

    Involves dropping constants, lower-order terms, and simplifying expressions to focus on the dominant term in the context of Big O notation
  • Complexity Classes
    • Constant time (O(1))
    • Logarithmic time (O (log n))
    • Linear time (O(n))
    • etc.
  • Complexity with Recursion
    Analyzing time or space complexity of recursive algorithms, often involving solving recurrence relations
  • Complexity with Loop Variables Halving
    Analyzing algorithms where the loop variable is halved in each iteration, common in logarithmic time complexities like binary search
  • Guessing the Complexity from a Program's Runtime
    Estimating the time complexity of an algorithm by observing its runtime behaviour on different input sizes
  • Ω(n) and Θ(n) (spoken: Omega and Theta)

    Ω(n) represents the lower bound of an algorithm's time or space complexity, while Θ(n) indicates both upper and lower bounds
  • Brute Force Algorithms
    • Solving a problem through an exhaustive search, trying all possible solutions without employing any specific optimisation strategy
  • Backtracking
    • A problem-solving strategy that explores all possible solutions and backtracks when it determines that a particular solution cannot be extended to a valid solution
  • Divide and Conquer Strategy
    • Problem-solving technique involving breaking down a problem into smaller sub-problems, solving them independently, and combining the solutions to solve the original problem
  • Recurrence Relations
    Mathematical equations that describe the time complexity of recursive algorithms by relating the time complexity of a problem to the time complexity of its sub-problems
  • Master Theorem
    A mathematical tool for analyzing the time complexity of divide and conquer algorithms, providing a solution for recurrence relations of a specific form
  • Subset Sum Problem
    • A classic problem in computer science where the goal is to find a subset of a given set of integers that sums up to a target value
  • Subproblem Configuration
    The arrangement or setup of smaller, more manageable parts of a larger problem that can be solved independently and then combined to solve the overall problem
  • Maps ADT (Abstract Data Type)

    A data structure that stores key-value pairs and allows efficient retrieval, insertion, and deletion of elements based on their keys
  • Hash Table
    A data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, where keys are mapped to values using a hash function for efficient retrieval
  • Hashing
    The process of converting a given input (or 'key') into a fixed-size value (hash code) that represents the input and is typically used for indexing or comparison
  • Hash Code
    A fixed-size value produced by applying a hash function to a given input (or 'key'). In Java, a hash code returns a 32-bit integer
  • Hash Function
    A function used to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size (hash code), typically used in hash tables for indexing and retrieving data
  • Deterministic
    Refers to a property of functions or processes where, given the same input, they always produce the same output, ensuring predictability and consistency
  • Collision
    Occurs in hashing when two or more different inputs produce the same hash code, leading to a conflict in the hash table
  • Collision Resolution
    Techniques used to handle collisions that arise in hash tables, ensuring that each key maps to a unique location in the table
  • Separate Chaining
    • A collision resolution technique where each bucket (slot) in a hash table contains a linked list of elements that hash to the same location, allowing multiple entries with the same hash code to coexist
  • Hash code in Java

    Returns a 32-bit integer representing the hash value of an object. It's required to be consistent with the [equals] method to ensure that equal objects have equal hash codes
  • Component Sum
    A hash function often used for data larger than 32 bits. It partitions the original data into 32-bit components and then sums these components together, ignoring overflow
  • Polynomial Accumulation
    A hash function that partitions the original data into components of a fixed length and evaluates a polynomial using these components
  • Modulo
    In hashing, after computing a hash value, applying modulo operation with the hash table size to compress the hash value to fit within the table's bounds
  • MAD (Multiply, Add, and Divide)
    A compression method where the hash value is calculated by h2(y) = (a * y + b) mod N
  • Load Factor
    The ratio of the number of elements stored in a hash table to the total number of slots. It indicates how full the hash table is
  • Uniform Hashing Assumption
    Assumption made in the analysis of hashing algorithms where it's assumed that each key is equally likely to hash to any slot of the hash table
  • Resizing of a Hashmap
    The process of increasing or decreasing the size of a hash table to maintain a suitable load factor and improve performance
  • Open Addressing
    • A collision resolution technique where instead of storing colliding elements in linked lists (chaining), the hash table itself is probed to find an empty slot
  • Linear Probing
    • A collision resolution technique in open addressing hashing where if a collision occurs, the next available slot in the hash table is searched linearly
  • Double-Hashing
    • A collision resolution technique in open addressing hashing where a secondary hash function is used to calculate the interval between probes when a collision occurs
  • Compression
    The process of reducing the size of data for storage or transmission, often used in data compression techniques
  • Lossless Compression
    • A compression technique where the original data can be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data without any loss of information
  • Lossy Compression
    • A compression technique where some data is discarded or approximated, leading to a loss of quality in the reconstructed data