crime is inevitable and universal. it occurs when individuals can't achieve the goals of society.
durkheim believes...
crime can be positive for society, this is through:
1 - boundary maintenance
2 - changing society
3 - acts as a warning device
4 - provides jobs.
merton believes...
crime occurs due to strain, people cannot legally achieve the goals of society due to poor education/opportunities. 5 reactions – conformity, innovation, retreatism, rebellion and ritualism.
feminist theory:
crime is negative and helps to maintain patriarchy in society. female criminals are seen as ‘double deviants’ as they go against the law and expectations.
marxist theories
crime is negative and helps to maintain capitalism/keep the class divide. The ruling class create laws which benefit them and blame the working class. the working classes are targeted by police and so are more likely to appear in crime statistics. middle class/white collar crime less likely to be detected.
interactionist theories
an act is only seen as criminal/deviant if it is labelled as such by society. labelling can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy and criminal becoming a master status.
subcultural theories
criminal subcultures involve young males, show behaviour which goes against society’s norms and are likely to show anti-social acts.
working class boys experience status frustration and join delinquent subcultures to gain status/fight back against society