Disease Prevention And Control_mapeH

Cards (17)

  • Disease-Prevention Activities designed to protect patients and other members of the public from actual or potential health threats and their harmful consequences
  • Levels of prevention
    1. Primordial prevention
    2. Primary prevention
    3. Secondary prevention
    4. Tertiary prevention
  • Primordial prevention prevention of emergence or development of risk factors in countries or population groups in which they have not yet appeared
  • Primary prevention Action taken prior to onset of disease, which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur
  • Secondary prevention Action which halts the progress of the disease at its incipient stage and prevents complication
  • Tertiary prevention All measures available to reduces or limit impairments and disabilities and minimize suffering caused by existing departures from good health and to promote the patients adjustment to irredeemable conditions
  • Disease control is reducing the transmission of disease agent a low level that it ceases to be a public health problem
  • Early Diagnosis needed for treatment, epidemiological investigation for ex to trace the source of infection from the known or index case to the unknown, to study the time, place and person distribution, for the institution of prevention and control measures.
  • Notification Once a infectious disease has been detected or suspected is should be notified to local health authority
  • Epidemiological investigation the outbreak investigation helps identify the source of infection, and factors influencing the spread. These may include geographical situations, climatic concondition, social and behavioral patterns, the character of the agent, reservoir, the vector and vehicles and susceptible host population.
  • Isolation Separation for the period of communicability of infected persons or animals from others in such places and under such conditions, as to prevent or limit the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent from infected infected susceptible
  • Treatment The objectives are to kill the infectious agent when it is still in the reservoir before it is disseminated, reduce the communicability of disease, cut short the duration of illness, and prevent development of secondary cases
  • Quarantine Defined as “the limitation of freedom of movement of such well person or domestic animal exposed to communicable
    disease for a period of time not longer than the longest
    usual incubation period of disease in such manneras to
    effective contact with those not so exposed”
  • Interruption of transmission Means changing some components of man’s environment to prevent the infective agent from a patient or carrier from entering the body of susceptible person. E.g. simple chlorination to complex water, treatment will prevent water borne disease, Vector control, Personal hygiene.
  • Active & Passive Immunization
    Active - strengthening of host defence ; control of some
    infectious disease is solely based on active immunization-
    e.g. polio , tetanus, diphtheria and
    Asymptomatic (of a condition or a person)
    producing or showing no symptoms.
  • Non specific measures Mainly interrupt pathways of transmission. Improvementson the Qualityof Life (e.g. better housing, water supply, nutrition, education). Formulation of legislative measures and integrated program. Have played a dominant role in decline of diseases like TB, Cholera, Leprosy and Child Mortality.
  • Surveillance Must follow control measures.
    Defined as "the continuous scrutiny of all aspects
    of occurrence and spread of disease that are
    pertinent to effective control." The ultimate objective of surveillance is “ PREVENTION ”.