I don't know how to fight. All I knowhowto do is stayalive'
Celie chapter 11
Beat her I say'
Celie to Harpo chapter
Hardworking. Godfearing and clean. I dont know whatmoreyou want'
Celie to Harpo about Sofia
Chapter 29
you a lowdowndog is whatswrong, I say... Sofia so surprisedtohearmespeak she ain't chewed for ten minutes'
Celie chapter 74
I'm pore, I'm black,Imaybeugly and can't cook... But I'm here'
Celie chapter 75
You've got to fight'
Nettie chapter 52
Harpo ast his daddywhy he beat me. Mr—— say causeshemywife'
Chapter 13
I wont leave, she say, untilIknow Albert won'teventhinkaboutbeatingyou'
Shug chapter 34
Why Miss Celie, she say, youstill a virgin'
Shug chapter 35
I notice how Shugtalk and act sometimes like a man'
Celie chapter 36
All my life i had to fight..... but I'll kill him dead before I let him beat me'
Chapter 21
The generational trauma and abuse she suffered but how she became stronger from the back of it
She do what she want, she don't pay me no mind at all'
Chapter 29
Sofia is subverting gender stereotypes and Harpo is simply acting on what he has seen his farther do- generational mirroring which is preventing social progression
Sofiasitdown at the bigtable like there's noroom for her'
Celie about Sofia
Chapter 74
The oppressive society has forced her to become small and submissive
Oneminute I was saying howdy to a living woman. The next minute nothinglivingwasthere'
Nettie about Sofia
Chapter 55
Womenwork. I'm aman'
Shows the influence that Mr— has had on Harpo and the generational trauma
He love that part of housekeeping a heapmore 'en me'
Sofia about Harpo
Chapter 28
Harpoeat when he not even hungry'
Chapter 28
Societal pressure to look more like a man because he feels insecure in his relationship
Representes how everyone in society was forced to conform
She do anything Harpo say. He give her little nickname too, call her Squeak'
Celie about Squeak
Chapter 36
He has replaces Sofia with someone submissive so that he can feel less insecure
My name Mary Agnes, she say'
Mary Agnes
Chapter 41
We see her character development
Shugsay us each otherspeoplesnow, and kiss me'
Chapter 69
All us laugh and laugh'
Chapter 47
Laughter is a sign of female liberation
Bible say honormother and father no matter what's
Chapter 21
How religion has restricted her and forced her into accepting things which are not right
I don'twrite to God no more.... What God do for me? I ast'
Chapter 73
How she is losing faith in religion though her personal liberation
I didn't realise how ignorant I was'
Chapter 55
Highlights the lack of education present in southern America
I wash her body , it feel like I'm praying'
Chapter 24
An overlap of themes between sexuality and religion
Part of her sexual awakening, in which she gains liberation
She clam up the ladder to the roof, begin to hammer in nails. Soundecho cross the yard like shots'
Celie talking about Sofia
The 'shots' are an attack on on Harpo's masculinity
Now us sit sewing and talking'
Celie about her and Mr—
Chapter 87
Evolución of their relationship in sewing which is a motif for womanhood and bonds