If God knows everything, then he will know our future choices, therefore we don't have any real freedom of choice
How is punishment an issue with omniscience?
If God’s omniscience determines our choices, God cannot justifiably punish and reward us
How is evil a problem for omniscience?
God could’ve chosen to not make us do evil things, therefore he is responsible for all moralevil in the world
How is omnipotence and omnibenevolence and issue for omniscience?
If God knows what we will do and can’t stop it, he is not omnipotent. If he can do something about it and doesn’t, he is not omnibenevolent. If he can’t see it he is not omniscient
How does Schleiermacher defend omniscience?
Says God is like a close friend who knows your behaviour. He can make reliable guesses about our actions due to how he know us
Gods knowledge therefore doesn’t force or effect what we do, so we can still be morallyresponsible for our actions
What is an issue with Schleiermacher’s views?
God is said to be infallible, he can’t be wrong about us. He has no false beliefs