Ethical issues in research

Cards (11)

  • (Social) Milgram- Protection from harm (mental and physical), Right to withdraw and deception
  • (social) implication of obedience and prejudice findings of how they are used in society and by others.
  • (cognitive) case studies into brain damage have ethical issues with confidentiality and privacy.
  • (Cognitive)- Participants may be vulnerable, e.g. children, dementia patients or people with learning difficulties.
  • (learning- Watson and Reyner) little Albert was not protected from mental harm.
  • (learning) animal studies often involve harm to animals, through surgery.
  • (biological) Animal studies often cause physical harm to the animals, which can be ethically questionable
  • (biological) Aggression studies can have moral issues to do with blame and punishment.
  • (clinical) studies often involve vulnerable adults and mental illness patients who must be protected from harm.
  • (child) Children are vulnerable subjects and must be protected from harm.
  • (clinical- Rosenhan) 8 pseudo patients took resources away from patients that actually needed it.