Cognitivedevelopment refers to the growth and maturation of our thinking process
Accomodation involves a person modifying their exisitingconcepts or processes to adapt in response to newinformation or experiences
Assimilation is when a person appliesexisitingmentalstructures or processes to new experiences
Sensorimotor stage
Birth-2 years
Goal-directed behaviour
Concrete operational stage
7-11 years
Formal operational stage
Abstract thinking
Idealistic thinking
Ageranges were off
The children were distracted
He overestimated language ability
Sample choice and size
A schema is a memory structure that is developed from experiences that represents a person's general knowledge about different kinds of objects and events
Abstract thinking is the ability to to understand something without seeing or experiencing it
Animism is the belief that everything exists
Centration is only being able to focus on one feature
Conservation is the understanding that object remain the same even when their appearance changes
Classification is being able to organise objects with similar properties into groups
Goal - directed behaviour is when children learn that their is a relationship with their actions and the external word
Transformation is understanding that something can change form one to another
Egocentrism is being unable to see things from another person's perspective
idealistic thinking is the ability to see alternatives to current issues and strive to be the best version of yourself
reversibility is being able to follow a sequence back to its starting
objectpermanence is understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight