The scientific study of the universe and of objects that exist naturally in space
Overlaps with physics, chemistry, geology, and other sciences
Uses the scientific method
Most difficult sciences to do, due to limitation in a lab
Uses observation, records, prediction and computer
Uses computer as a "lab"
The study of the movements and positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars in the belief that they affect the character and live of people
Astrology is not a science, it is a pseudoscience
Astrology does not use the scientific method
Observing the universe
Astronomy began with people observing their surroundings
Observing the day, seasons, and when to plant
What we see in the universe
Planets (Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)
Meteors (Shooting stars)
What's out there in the universe
Atmospheric phenomena
Solar system
Milky way
Other galaxies
Objects between galaxies
Observable occurrences of particular physical significance within the atmosphere
Atmospheric phenomena
Meteor showers
Solar system objects
Planets and moon
Stars and star clusters
Supernova remnants
Dead stars
White dwarfs
Neutron stars
Black holes
Dark matter
Does not interact with the electromagnetic force
Dark energy
An "anti-gravity" force providing a negative pressure that fills the universe and stretches the very fabric of spacetime
Solar system
The region of the universe near the sun that includes the sun, the nine known major planets and their moons or satellites, and objects such as asteroids and comets that travel in independent orbits
Pluto is considered a dwarf planet
Terrestrial planets
Small and rocky, composed of Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium
Terrestrial planets
Closest planet to the Sun
Has a lunar-like geology
Almost tidally locked, like the Moon
Smallest planet in our solar system
Second planet from the Sun
Sixth largest planet-similar size to Earth
Hottest planet in our solar system
Has volcanic plains and rifts
Thick atmosphere that traps the heat
Third planet from the Sun
Fifth largest planet
The name Earth is at least 1,000 years old
70% water and 78% nitrogen gas and 21% oxygen gas
Fourth planet from the Sun
Seventh largest
Rocky planet (thin carbon dioxide atmosphere)
Little longer than Earth's time (a year =2yrs on Earth)
Iron minerals in the soil (aka rust) which makes the atmosphere to look red
Earth's closest celestial neighbor
Not a star nor planet ("astronomical body")
27% size of the Earth
Tidally locked (see the same side of the Moon)
Battered Terrain (solid, rocky)
No rain/wind but there is weather
Jovian planets
Large, gaseous, composed mainly of hydrogen and helium
Jovian planets
Fifth planet from the Sun
Largest planet in the solar system more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined
Striped and swirls are actually cold, windy clouds of ammonia and water, floating in an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium
Great Red Spot
Jupiter's largest moon
Largest moon in our solar system
Bigger than Mercury, and Pluto
Jupiter's second largest moon
Third largest moon in our solar system
Surface is the most heavily cratered of any object in our solar system
Jupiter's third largest moon
The most volcanically active world in our solar system
Slightly larger than Earth's moon
Fourth largest of Jupiter's 95 moons
Primarily made of silicate rock and has a water-ice crust and probably an iron-nickel core
Europa is a saltwater ocean with about twice as much water as Earth's global ocean
Sixth planet from the Sun
Second largest planet in our solar system
Massive ball made mostly of hydrogen and helium gas-Gas Giant
Seventh planet from the Sun
Third largest diameter of planets in our solar system
Ice giant planet
Spin sideways
Two sets of rings
1 yr = 84 Earth yrs
Eighth, and most distant planet from the Sun
Fourth-largest, and the first planet discovered with math
More than 30 times as far from the Sun as Earth
Not visible to the naked eye
In 2011, Neptune completed its first 165-year orbit since its discovery
Ice Giant planet
Dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds
No life sign
Reclassified as a dwarf planet
Located in the Kuiper belt
A complex world with mountains, valleys, plains, craters, and apparently even glaciers
Astronomical Unit (AU)
Defined as the distance from the Sun to the Earth, about 149,597,850km
Defined as the distance light travels in one year, 9.5 x 10 ^ 12 km
The South pole to North pole is 20,004 km (12,430 miles), so that is 473,000,000 times longer than a light-year!
Earth is 12,756 km across
The distance from Earth to the Moon is 384,400 km
The distance from Earth to the Sun is 150 million km