Sedentary lifestyle

Cards (5)

  • Sedentary Lifestyle
    where there is irregular or no physical activity
  • Health problems from a sedentary lifestyle
    • Emotional health problems like low confidence, poor body image and depression
    • Accelerated bone density loss which increases the chances of injuries like fractures
    • Poor posture which can cause back, neck and shoulder pain
    • Poor social health-it becomes hard to leave the home and socialise with others
    • Obesity (having a large amount of body fat), which can lead to many other physical health problems
  • Obesity
    Puts strain on your cardiovascular system and decreases cardiovascular endurance
  • Increased body fat
    Can lead to high cholesterol and fatty deposits in the arteries, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. This can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure) and coronary heart disease
  • Being overweight
    Decreases flexibility, speed, power and agility, so affects your performance too