probability and significance

Cards (4)

  • use of statistic tables and critical values
    • after conducting a stat test, a number will be generated called the calculated value which will help determine whether the results are significant and whether the null hypothesis can be rejected or not
    • to dot his we must compare the calculated value to the critical value in the stat table
  • how to find out the critical value?
    • was the investigation one tailed (directional) or two tailed (non-directional)
    • acknowledge the number of participants
    • find out the P value (probability) which refers to how much confidence there is in the findings (always 0.05)
  • type 1 error
    • when null hypothesis is wrongly rejected (being too lenient)
    • the likelihood of this is increased when we set the P value leniently (0.10) as the higher the P-value, the more likely the results were due to chance
  • type 2 error
    • wrongly accepting a null hypothesis (missing something significant) or wrongly assuming results were due to chance
    • the likelihood of this is increased when were too strict y setting the P value too low (0.01)