Romantic Art Song

Cards (7)

  • Art Song
    A Western vocal music composition. Usually written for solo voice with piano accompaniment and in the classical art music tradition
  • Melody
    Poetic in nature, tones were more lyrical than the dramatic tones of an opera.
  • Accompaniment
    It enhances the mood and meaning of the text by harmonic and melodic material independent of the voice part
  • Franz Schubert
    An example of a romantic art composer
  • Forms of an Art Song
    Through-composed, Stophic
  • Through-composed
    The form is different for each stanza and the music closely follows the changing ideas, and moods of the poem
    (Ex. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen)
  • Strophic
    Is a song structure in which all verses or stanzas of the stanzas of text are sung to the same music
    (Ex. Leron-Leron sinta)