Art App

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  • The word ART came from the Aryan root word ar, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to put together’.
  • Art refers to the skillful arrangement or compositionof sounds, colors, lines, movements, words, stone,and wood to express feelings, thoughts, imaginations,and dreams in a meaningful and amazing way.
  • ●Functional Art Form - Art forms that serve functionsthat make man’s life better.
  • Non-functional Art Form - Art forms that servepurposes beyond human survival functions(aesthetics).
  • Plato was a philosopher of Ancient Greece, knownfor his famous Dialogues. He was seen as a goodliterary stylist and a great story teller based on hisDialogues. He considered art as a threat when he sawhow powerful it can be in shaping a person'scharacter.
  • Art is imitation. Plato explained that art is animitation of physical things or imitations of the Forms.Art is a copy of a copy which leads people fartherfrom the truth (or the Forms). At best, works of artare great for entertainment.
  • Art is dangerous. According to Plato, art has thepower to stir emotions so it should not gouncensored.
  • ●Aristotle was also a famous philosopher of AncientGreece and was a student of Plato. He distinguishedthe difference between what is good and what isbeautiful. He stated that the good always presentsitself in some action while a thing of beauty may existeven in motionless objects or things.According to Aristotle, universal elements of beautyare manifested by order, symmetry and definiteness.In his Poetics, he stated that physical manifestation ofbeauty is likewise affected by its size (it should not betoo big nor too small).
  • ●Immanuel Kant was a German, EnlightenmentPhilosopher. His main interest was not in art itself butin beauty. Kant thought that beauty does not rest onthe properties of the objects or things but rather onthe manner in which people respond to these objectsor things. In other words, beauty is a matter of taste.
  • Subjective taste does not focus on the properties of the object itself but rather on the pleasure one experiences as he respond to it.
  • Universal taste is non-aesthetic and does notconsider the beauty of the work or the mastery of theartist, but rather, the artworks appreciated for what itis.
  • Artists - A person who exhibits exceptional skills inthe visual and / or the performing arts.
  • Artisans - A skilled craftsman who excels at utilizingtheir hands and technical knowledge to create usefuland practical products.
  • Painting is a two-dimensional art form in which pigment is applied to a surface.
  • Sculpture is a three-dimensional art form.
  • Architecture is the most functional art form
  • Music is the art of sound expressed through a songwith the use of instruments.
  • Dance is the art of body movements attuned tomusic.
  • Literature is the art of using words to express ideas,thoughts, and feelings.
  • Theater is the performance of a drama.
  • ●The subject of art refers to what the workrepresents. It could be a person, an object, a scene oran event. Some works have subjects, others do not
  • Representational/Objective Arts - Artwork that hassubject
  • Non-representational/Non-objective arts - Artworkthat does not have a subject
  • Nature- Most popular source of objective art.Mountains, trees, animals, landscapes, seascapes,cloudscapes, are some examples of nature-inspired
  • ●People - Human subject, whether real or imagined,are the most interesting. How people are depictedcan offer clues to the artists’ thoughts, moods, andthe genre the artwork is presenting
  • History- Historical art works depict real events whichare verified facts that occurred in the past. Thepurpose of such works is either to commemorateevents or to teach history to the viewers.
  • ●Legends- Artwork based on legends present toviewers of the art something tangible even whenunverified. Art brings life to these stories.
  • Religion- These artworks are based on the sacredtexts: the Holy Bible of Christianity, the Quran ofIslam, and the Torah of Judaism.
  • ●Mythology- Artwork can also be based on the storiesof the gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece, Rome,Celts, Norse, and Egyptians. These deities are depictedin human or animal forms and present humanlikebehavior.
  • ●Dreams and Fantasy- The intrigue of unconsciousalso inspires artist to present it through art for othersto see, relate and interpret.
  • Technology- The modern era with its tall buildingsand amazing machines are also subject matter for theartist. Cityscapes, airplanes, cars, ships, motorcycles,and robotic technology are objects of interest.
  • Naturalism- In Greek (Hellenistic) art, gods andheroes, looked and behaved like human beings. Greekdeities were almost always depicted in idealizedhuman form
  • ●Realism- This depicts the artist’s attempt ofportraying the subject as it is. Realist try to be asobjective as possible in their subject presentation.Realism is the most popular way of presenting artsubjects.
  • Abstraction- Abstract “to move away or to separatefrom.” Abstraction as subject presentation movesaways from reality, from presenting the subject as itreally is.
  • Distortion - This form of abstraction results whenthe figures have been so arranged that its proportionsdiffer significantly from reality.
  • Elongation - the subject is stretched verticallyand/or some parts lengthened to give the impressionof thinness.
  • Mangling - This may not be so common in paintingsbut may be popular in other art forms (sculpture,theatre, and film).
  • Cubism - Abstract form is presented through theuse of figures: cone, cylinder, sphere, triangle, square,
  • Symbolism- A symbol is defined as visible sign ofsomething invisible such as an idea or quality.Symbols in art draws the viewers’ attention to whatother message the artist may be trying to conveyaside from what is obviously observed.
  • Fauvism- Fauvism literally means wild beast. Thefauves did not express ethical, philosophical, orpsychological themes but painted pictures of comfort,joy, and pleasure. They used bright colors (that didnot reflect reality) applied to a surface.