coding, capacity and duration

Cards (24)

  • short term memory is the memory for things which are present or just happened
  • long term memory is the memory for things that happened in past
  • capacity is how much info can be held in memory at one time
  • coding is how info is stored in memory
  • duration is how long info can be held in memory
  • short term memory
    capacity = 5-9 items
    coding = acoustic
    duration = 18-30 seconds
  • long term memory
    capacity = unlimited
    coding = semantic
    duration = unlimited
  • key study for capacity - Jacobs
    • got participants to recall 4 digits in correct order and outloud - repeated task increasing number of digits until mistake
    • found average digit span of 9.3
  • digit span is the number of items individuals can correctly recall
  • key study in capacity - Miller
    • idea that things come into groups of 7 (days of week)
    • suggests we are predisposed to remembering quantity
    • chunking helps aid recall
  • chunking is grouping sets of digits/letters into chunks
  • evaluation for capacity - individual differences
    • jacobs found digit span increases with age as result of developing strategies such as chunking
    • goes against own findings
  • evaluation for capacity - capacity of STM
    • contradictory research suggests capacity of STM is actually 4 items - suggesting lower end of millers range is more appropriate
  • key study in coding - Baddeley
    • 4 groups of participants (acoustically similar, acoustically dissimilar, semantically similar and semantically dissimilar)
    • participants were shown original words + asked to recall in order
    • when recalling immediately after - did worse on acoustically similar words
    • when recalling after 20 minutes they did worse on semantically similar
  • evaluation for coding - LTM not fully semantic
    • research against LTM coded semantically as researchers found evidence of acoustic coding in LTM
  • evaluation for coding - questions about Baddeleys study for coding in memory
    • baddeley may not have been testing LTM because latest recall is only after 20 min
    • lab experiments used with artificial stimuli which limites reliability of findings.
  • key study for duration of LTM - bahrick
    • used graduates from high school aged 17-74
    • conducted recall test from using yearbook
    • free recall - recall participants named with no cue (15 years - 60% accuracy, 48 years - 30% accuracy
    • photo recognition test (15 years - 90%, 48% - 70%)
  • evaluation for key study duration of ltm - external validity
    • bahrick et al has high external validity were findings can be generalised - years go on the lower recall % will be
  • evaluation for key study duration of ltm - low levels of control
    • many variables which may have affected recall such as rehearsal (looking at yearbook)and popularity - disrupting desired results
  • key study for duration of stm - peterson and peterson
    • gave participants trigram to remeber
    • then got them to count back from 3 digits till told to stop (time stopped varied - 3,6,9,12)
    • found the longer the interval the less accurate the recall
  • a trigram is 3 digits
  • retention interval is the period between participants exposure to info and being tested for retention of info
  • evaluation for key study of duration for stm - external validity
    • peterson and peterson has low external validity where findings have limited generalisability due to artificial memory test
  • evaluation for key study of duration for stm - displacement
    • may have been that letters have been displaced by the counting rather than forgetting the information