What are the assumptions of the cognitive approach?
Psychologists must study mental processes and the mindworks like a computer
what are theoretical models
a way of studyinginternalprocesses. this model suggests that informationflows through the cognitivesystem in a sequence of stages, including input,storage and retrieval. This is called a multi-storemodel of memory.
what are computer models?
when the mind is compared to a computer in the ‘computer analogy’
what do computer models suggest?
there are similarities in the way that information is processed. such computational models of the mind have proved useful in the development of ‘thinking machines‘ or AI
what is the role of the schema
cognitiveprocessing can be affected by a person’s beliefs and expectations. This is referred to as schema. these are packages of information developed through experience. They act as a mental framework for the interpretations of incoming information by the cognitive system.
babies schema
they are born with simple motor schema for innate behaviours such as graspingobjects
adults schema
as we get older, our schema becomes more sophisticated as adults have developedmental representations for everything
The negative aspect of schema
Schema may also distort our interpretation of sensoryinformation, leading to perceptual errors
what is Wallisch’s idea
Some people perceive photos in different colours. He believes that people who see images differently are using different filtering systems. He suggests that lifeexperience leads you to see it one way or another.
what is the emergence of cognitive neuroscience?
the scientificstudy of the influence of brain structures on mental processes
what is the history of mapping brain areas
mappingbrainareas to specificcognitive functions has a long psychological history. In the 1860’s, Broca identified that damage to an area of the frontal lobe could permanentlyimpair speech production.
recent advancements in brain imaging techniques?
recent advancements in brainimagingtechniques such as fMRI or PET scans have allowed psychologists to systematically observe and describe the neurological basis of mental processes.
examples of recent advancements
Tulving et al = showed how different types of LTM may be located on opposite sides of the pre-frontalcortex
Braver et al = the system in charge of the workingmemory is also thought to be located in a similar area
the focus of cognitive neuroscience
the focus of cognitiveneuroscience has recently expanded to include the use of computer-generated models that are designed to ‘read’ the brain. This has led to the development of mindmappingtechniques known as ‘brain fingerprinting’.
a further application of cognitive neuroscience?
it can analyse the brain wave patterns of eyewitnesses to determine whether they are lying in court
what have BST’s proved in establishing?
they have proved useful in establishing the neurological basis of some mental disorders. there is evidence that the leftparahippocampalgyrus functions abnormally in OCD.