
Cards (18)

  • Homeostasis
    Regulation and internal maintenance of the body
  • The body works best when internal conditions are within an acceptable range; homeostasis helps to do this

  • Homeo
    Meaning similar
  • Stasis
    Meaning stable
  • Feedback loops

    1. Feedback compares current conditions to the body's comfort levels (=Set Ranges)
    2. Negative feedback loop - counteracts change and brings the body back to homeostasis
    3. Positive feedback loop - increases change away from the set points. Needed for rapid change in the body
  • Negative feedback loop
    • Control of body temperature, thermostat
  • Positive feedback loop
    • Torn blood vessels stimulates the release of clotting factors to stop blood flow
  • Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes such as growth, metabolism, reproduction, and homeostasis.
    • Thermoregulation (temperature)
    • Osmoregulation (water)
    • Gas Exchange
    • Blood Glucose
    • Guard Cells
    1. Hypothalamus scans temperature of blood as it passes through
    2. Too high blood vessels dilate, sweating occurs
    3. Too low blood vessels constrict, shivering
    • The most in heat activates cooling mechanisms
    • Temperature sensors in skin dilate blood vessels and heat escapes
    • Sweat glands secrete sweat that evaporates, cooling body
    • Thermostat shuts off cooling mechanisms
    1. Temperature increases: Blood vessels constrict, minimizing heat loss
    2. Skeletal muscles rapidly contract, causing shivering which generates heat
    3. Temperature decreases: Thermoregulation activates warming mechanisms
    Regulation of the balance of water and solutes (salt, ions) in the body
    • Freshwater fish take in lots of water, excrete very dilute urine to conserve solutes
    • Saltwater fish lose water to osmosis, have specialized gills to excrete excess ions
    1. Hypothalamus detects higher concentration of solutes in blood
    2. Posterior pituitary releases more ADH
    3. Kidneys reabsorb less water
    4. Pituitary releases less ADH
    • Oxygen-rich air is taken in during inhalation, moves to alveoli
    • Oxygen-poor blood vessels surround the alveoli
    • Passive transport moves oxygen from alveoli into blood, CO2 from blood into alveoli
    • Oxygen delivered to cells through blood vessels, CO2 expelled during exhalation
    1. Blood sugar too high: Pancreas releases insulin, body cells take in glucose and move it to storage in liver
    2. Blood sugar too low: Pancreas releases glucagon, stimulates liver to break down stored glycogen and release into bloodstream
  • Guard Cells
    • Surround the stomata in leaves
    • Open when water abundant, close when water scarce
    • Generally open during the day for photosynthesis, close at night to prevent water loss