Cards (90)

  • defined as microscopic forms that resembles parasites but are not parasites
    artifacts and confusers
  • artufacts and confusers are primarily found in?
    stool and blood samples
  • the confusers are
    free living ameba
  • what are the most common artifacts and confusers?
    white blood cells, pollen grains, vegetable cells, vegetable spiralis, charcot leyden crystals, yeast, plant hair, plant material, epithelial cells, fungal elements, starch cells, clumped or fused platelets, stain precipitate and red cell abnormalities
  • it is mistaken for amebic cyst of e histolytica
  • it has four lobed nucleus similar in apperance to e histolytica
  • it ingest RBC and debris and macrophages
  • one irregularly shaped nucleus that often absent on examination
  • it resembles the eggs of taenia spp but smaller
    pollen grains
  • it is round and symmetrically lobe with no notable interior structures
    pollen grains
  • can be confused with helminth eggs
    vegetable cells
  • its shape is large roundish oval to irregularly round up to 150 microns thick cell walls and the interior portion is unorganized and often appears to consist large vacuoles
    vegetable cells
  • pften resembles helminth larvae in their shape in size and do not have a head or tail region
    vegetable spiralis
  • found in stool and sputum specimens and have the most clinical significant
    charcot leyden crystals
  • this indicates that an immune response of unknown origin has taken place
    charcot leyden crystals
  • its shape is round to oval and may be confused with protozoan cyst of hartmanni entamoeba nana and entamoeba hominis
  • it resembles oocyst of cryptosporidium
  • it shows no definite internal structures small granules resembling karyosome may be seen and may be distinguished from parasites seen in their budding stage
  • it is a disease from yeast
  • it resembles helminth larvae appear to have a nondescript internal structure and does not have diagnostic structures and do not have a head or tail region
    plant hair
  • 12-150 in diameter and resembles helminth eggs particularly unfertilized ascaris its shape is round to oval and may or not many not have a definite cell wall
    plant material
  • rough and may have hairs extending from its periphery
    plant material
  • often show a striking resemblance to amebic trophozoites
    epithelial cells
  • sinilar to protozoan cyst and lack interior structure distinguishes these artifacst from parasitic forms
    fungal elements
  • may be differentiated from parasites beacuse of their dark blue black appearance when stained with iodine
    starch cells
  • it often appear on giemsa stained blood film smears
    clumped or fused platelets
  • it can be mistaken by malarial parasites specifically the young trophozoite form fused platelets appear in various shades of purple

    clumped or fused platelets
  • is usually bluer in color than malarial parasites and varies in size and shape
    stain precipitate
  • howell jolly bidies or cabots rings may be present on giemsa stained blood smears
    red cell abnormalities
  • what do you call a peripheral blood samples in smeared on a slide and stained is?
    peripheral blood smears
  • it is the most commonly used technique for blood examination
    thick and thin smears
  • what is two types of blood smear?
    thick and thin smears
  • if you are using blank blood smears should be prepared as soon as possible after collection
    venous blood
  • what are the three steps to make blood smear
    preparation, fixation and staining
  • it consist of thick layer of dehemoglobinized RBCs
  • allow a more efficient detection of parasites
  • they do not permit an optimal review of parasite morphology
  • more sensitive to detech the parasite and morphologic features are not aeen so the species are not identified
  • feathered edge in this the cells should be in monolayer and not touching one another
  • morphology is better seen so the species are identified because less amount of blood is examined it is not sensitive