Originally a medical doctor and found that his patients were suffering from an illness with psycho-logical causes
This led him to develop theories of the unconscious mind, psycho-sexual development and Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalytic Theory
Psychologist: Sigmund Freud
Behavior is due to unconscious motives and conflicts
Early childhood experiences determine personality
Unconscious Mind
-foundation for the psychoanalytic theory
-controls the phenomena of repressed feelings, automatic skills, subliminal perceptions, thoughts, habits and automatic reactions as well as possibly holding emotional complexes, phobias and desires.
located in the unconscious
present at birth
Ruled by the "Pleasure Principle" and has no values, morality, or logic (animal instincts)
located in both conscious, & unconscious
Developed after birth, the self
Ruled by the "Reality Principle" and balances the id and superego by being organized, rational, and postponing gratification
located in both conscious, & unconscious
developed by age 5
Ruled by the "Morality Principle" and is the opposite of the Id because it is the internal, parental voice with rules and values
Freudian Slips
Slips of the tongue that expose the unconscious
Defense mechanisms
- extreme measures protect the ego from threats; operate unconsciously and deny, falsify, or distinct reality
- not successful coping strategies because they do not remove stressors
Jung, Horney, Adler
Believed that Freud put too much emphasis on sex and there needed to be more emphasis on social factors
Defined: Inherited universal concepts that create the Collective Unconscious
Examples: Anima v. Animus, Mother v. Father, Persona v. Shadow, Hero v. Villain
Basic Anxiety
Psychologist: Karen Horney
anxiety that is created by being born helpless.
Most overcome this, those who don't develop neurotic personalities- aggressive, compliant, or withdrawn
Womb envy
Psychologist: Karen Horney
women do not suffer from "penis envy" but are envious of male's superior status.
Men are envious of a women's ability to have children and therefore, they compensate with other forms of achievement.
Inferiority Complex
Psychologist: Alfred Adler
Defined: people who compensate for feelings of inferiority (feeling like they're less than other people, not as good as others, worthless, etc.) by acting ways that make them appear superior.
Projective Tests
Description: Provide ambiguous stimuli in order to trigger the projection of one's inner dynamics
Strengths: Provide lots of information
Weaknesses: highly subjective and has low reliability
Tests: Rorschach Inkblot Test, & Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Draw a Person test
Rorschach Inkblot Test
seeks to identify people's inner feelings and conflicts by analyzing their interpretations of 10 inkblots.
Critics question the validity and reliability of the tests.
Thematic Apperception Test
people view ambiguous pictures and then make up stories about them.
Presumably, their accounts reflect their interests and inner feelings.
Humanistic Psychologists
Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow
Description: People develop their personality by trying to reach their full potential
Strengths: model was built in a therapy setting
Weaknesses: concepts are vague and subjective, individualistic and western based and naive because it fails to appreciate the reality of our capacity for evil
Psychologist: Carl Rogers
Goal: Actualizing Tendency (full potential)
Theory: A person has who they are, Real Self, and who they want to be, Ideal Self and a successful persoanlity has congruence
People need genuineness (honesty), unconditional positive regard (love), and empathy (understanding) to develop a good persoanlity
A person's Real Self and Ideal Self can merge together
Part of Roger's Self-Concept Theory
When a person's Real Self and Ideal self do not match, causing anxiety.
Part of Roger's Self-Concept Theory
Unconditional positive regard
Defined: receiving acceptance, value, and love from others without requirements
Part of Roger's Self-Concept theory in which he says it is necessary to receive from others in order to develop a healthy personality
People will try to understand one's feelings and mirror it back to them
Part of Roger's Self-Concept theory in which he says it is necessary to receive from others in order to develop a healthy personality
Hierarchy of Needs
Psychologist: Abraham Maslow
Description: Pyramid
Trait Theories
Description: focuses on identifying how people typically behave but does NOT explain how personality developed
Strengths: based on empirical evidence with factor analysis
Weaknesses: people might behave differently based on the situation they are experiencing