Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation

Cards (12)

  • Maternal deprivation
    The emotional and intellectual consequences of separation between a child and their mother or mother-substitute
  • Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis
    • Continuous 'maternal care' (monotropy) is necessary for emotional and cognitive development
    • There is a critical period (the first 2 ½ years of life) during which any maternal deprivation will affect development and the effects
    • The effects of maternal depreciation would only be experienced if there is no mother-substitute available
    • If no mother-subsiture is present,long term problems are irreversible
  • Factors that may lead to maternal deprivation
    • Mental health issues
    • Abusive
    • Working overseas
    • Boarding schools
    • Working long hours
    • Hospitals
    • Prison
    • Children in care
  • Intellectual development
    Deprivation causes delayed intellectual development such as low IQ
  • Emotional development
    • Causes affectionless psychopathy
    • Inability to experience guilt, remorse or strong emotions towards others
    • Affects ability to develop fulfilling relationships and is associated with committing more crime and anger and violence
  • Bowlby's 44 thieves study
    1. Aim: examined the links between affectionless psychopathy and maternal deprivation
    2. Procedure: used a sample of 44 people accused of stealing, interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy and their families interviewed to establish if there was prolonged separation from their mothers, a control group of 44 non-criminal teenagers with emotional problems were assessed
    3. Results: 14/44 thieves were affectionless psychopathy and 17/44 had maternal separation, 12/14 affectionless psychopaths had experienced prolonged separation, 2/44 in control group had maternal separation but 0/44 were affectionless psychopaths
    4. Conclusion: prolonged separation/deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
  • internal working model
    the template (schema) formed for future relationships because of the first most important relationship formed
  • continuity hypothesis

    deprivation caused by prolonged seperation from mother limits infant from forming internal working model - affecting adult life
  • limitation of bowlbys maternal deprivation theory
    research supporting - correlational, deprivation and delinquency could be linked to other factors - e.g poverty or relatives with criminal pasts
  • strength Bowlby maternal deprivation - real life application
    Hospitals - altered policies for child welfare - changing visiting times for mothers + carers and infants at nursery and maternity leave
    • however - nursery more expensive and the difference of paternity and maternity leave may increased the gender pay gap
  • limitation Bowlby maternal deprivation - gender bias
    monotropy - exaggerates importance of mother as primary care giver
    • focus on mother alpha biassed - underistamates role of father
    • Schaffer and Emerson - children can form multiple attachments from 9months
    • role of father important - reduces risk taking behaviours and aggression
  • Limitation Bowlby Maternal Deprivation - critical period irreversable
    rutter et al (2011) romania baby adoption studies show that effects of maternal deprivation can be reversed