A response to concern or need; an intervention into human transactions
Social Work
An art, science and profession
Social Work as an art
Requires greatskills to understand people and to help them help themselves
Social Work as a science
Requires the use of problem solving methods and objectivity in ascertaining facts and in developing principles and operational concepts
Social Work as a profession
Encompasses the attributes of a profession
Social Work (Philippines)
The profession which is primarily concerned with organized social service activity aimed to facilitate and strengthenbasicsocialrelationships and the mutual adjustment between individuals and their social environment for the good of the individual and the society
Social Functioning
The match between the needs and abilities of individuals and the opportunities and demands of the environment. It relates to living up to the expectations made by the self, social community and the society at large.
Scope of Social Work
Child development
Medical social work
Clinical social work
Social Work as a PrimaryDiscipline
Child welfare services
Family services
Income maintenance programs
Social Work as an EqualPartner
Aging services
Community services
Youth and group services
Social Work as a SecondaryDiscipline
Medical and health care
CoreValues of Social Work
Values about people
Values about society
Values about professional behavior
Social work is a commitment to helppeople in need and to address social problems
Social Justice
Social work challengessocial injustice and strives to create a society with equal rights and opportunities
Key Values of Social Work
Social Justice
RespectfortheInherent WorthandDignity of thePerson
Restoration of impairedsocial functioning (curative/remedial and rehabilitative)
Maintainsocial stability and cohesion
Prevention of social dysfunction
Social work is defined in many ways and one of which is that it is an art, a science and a profession
A key concept in social work is social functioning, which is the match between the need and the capacities of the individual vis-à-vis the demands of the environment
Social work is deeply rooted in the philosophy that humanbeingshaveworth and dignity
The values and ethical principles constitute the foundation upon which social workers practice. All professional social workers are expected to adhere to them
Social Workers
The Heart and Soul of the Helping Profession
Roles of Social Workers
Case manager/coordinator
Case Manager/Coordinator
Assess the needs of clients; arrange and coordinate the delivery of essential goods to target beneficiaries
Linkclientsystems-toneededservices and resources
Provideguidance to client and assist them in solvingproblems and in making life-changing decisions
Help the clientgainknowledge and skills to address their problems
Facilitategroupdiscussions and activities
Help resolvearguments and disagreement
Identify and organize human, material, technical, and financial resources to help address the need of their clients
Promote fair and equitable treatment or to gain access to resources
According to Zastrow (2008, p.26) There are currently more employment opportunities in Social Work than I any other fields
Areas of specialization for social work practice identified by the NASW (National Association of Social Workers)
Substance Misuse and Addiction
Social Work in Aging and Gerontology
Child and family Social Work
Justice and correction Social Work
Developmental disabilities
Healthcare Social Work
Substance Misuse and Addiction
They are not focus on the addiction or substance misuse problem but see clients in relation to their environment-family and existing support system
Social Work in Aging and Gerontology
Work with the elderly and their families
Child and family Social Work
Also referred to as child welfare, Ensure the safety and well-being of children
Justice and correctionSocialWork
Respond to the needs and wants of the inmates
Developmental disabilities
Help these persons to live as normally as possible in a societystructured for the more fully functioning individual
Healthcare Social Work
Often referred to as medical or health social workers