Science W1

Subdecks (1)

Cards (50)

  • ERATHOSTHENES proved that the Earth is round based on the shadows that was different in one area to another (Egypt vs Greece)
  • Greeks deduced that Earth is spherical based on the shadow cast during Lunar Eclipse
  • Diurnal motion
    Daily motion of celestial bodies in the sky
  • Diurnal motion
    • Caused by Earth's rotation on its axis
  • Annual motion
    Yearly motion of celestial bodies across the sky
  • Annual motion
    • Caused by Earth's revolution around the sun
  • Zodiac
    • 13 constellations seen in the ecliptic
  • Equinox
    2 days in a year in which the sun crosses the Earth's plane of celestial equator (equal day & night)
  • Solstice
    • 2 days in which the sun is farthest from the Earth's plane of celestial equator
    • Summer solstice - longest day
    • Winter solstice - shortest day
  • Solar eclipse
    Moon passes between Earth and Sun, blocking the view of the Sun
  • Lunar eclipse
    Earth directly aligns between sun and moon, earth casts a shadow on the moon
  • Geocentric model

    Earth is the center of the universe, celestial bodies revolve around the Earth
  • Heliocentric model

    Sun is the center of the universe, all planets including Earth revolve around the sun, moon revolves around Earth
  • Tycho Brahe: moon and sun revolve around earth, all other planets revolve around the sun
  • Kepler's 1st Law (Law of Ellipse)
    • Orbits of planets are elliptical with the sun at one of the foci
  • Kepler's 2nd Law (Law of Equal Areas)

    • A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas in space in equal intervals of time (planets move fastest when nearest the sun)
  • Kepler's 3rd Law (Law of Harmony)

    • The square of a planet's orbital period (years) is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit (AU)