Detailed technical description of how a surgical procedure was done
Surgical terminology
Terms related to anesthesia
Names of surgical positions
Suture techniques and materials
Names for an operative report
Operative note
Surgical note
Surgical report
Contents of an operative report
Preoperative diagnosis
Postoperative diagnosis
Name of operation or procedure
Indications for the procedure
Description of findings and techniques
Patient's name
Date of procedure
Surgeon's name
Case number
Patient room number
Names of assisting surgeons or physicians
Preoperative diagnosis
Explains why the operation or procedure is necessary, can be stated as a specific disease or a "rule out" or "suspected" diagnosis
Postoperative diagnosis
States the diagnosis after the operation or procedure is completed, a short descriptive title of what was actually found
The preoperative and postoperative diagnosis should be the same or closely related, and written in acceptable medical terms without abbreviations or layman's terms</b>
It is poor practice to simply write "SAME" for the postoperative diagnosis
Preoperative diagnosis
Severe abdominal pain
Postoperative diagnosis
Describes the name of operation or procedure performed
Appendectomy - removed the appendix
Laparotomy with appendectomy - opened the abdomen and removed the appendix
Gives the reason for the operation or procedure
34-year-old woman with intermittent right upper quadrant pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills, with multiple gallstones found on sonogram
21-year-old man with 3-month history of thrombocytopenia and easy bruising, on high doses of steroids
Findings and Technique
The longest and most technical part of the operative report, describing the types of anesthesia, surgical position, incision, description of what was done, and closure
An important part of the Findings and Techniques section is the sponge count, to ensure all surgical tools were accounted for
Sponge, needle, and instrument counts
The sponge, needle, and instrument counts were correct
Blood replacement
Due to excessive blood loss, the patient received 2 units of whole blood
Patient Condition
Concerns the condition of the patient after the procedure, usually 1-2 sentences
Patient condition
The patient was sent to the recovery room in stable condition
The patient was sent to the recovery room in poor condition. Prognosis is poor.