Assessment 4 — 7/5/24

Cards (30)

  • root:
    • absorbs water and mineral from the soils
    • anchor the plant to the soil
  • how water moves up the plant:
    • xylem cell— water transport system of the plant
  • excretion in humas:
    1. kidney
    2. ureter
    3. bladder
    4. urethra
  • kidneys:
    1. filters blood
    2. remove excess water from blood
  • urea: a waste product of protein breakdown
  • urea dissolved in water is urine
  • transpiration: the loss of water vapor from leaves
  • why plants need water?
    1. support—if a plant collapses it is wilted (as it doesn’t have water)
    2. transport
    3. cooling
    4. photosynthesis
  • waste: excess material not needed in the body
  • kidney stones: mineral hardens that blocks filter
  • healthy fetus, don’t do:
    1. drugs
    2. alcohol
    3. medications
  • Gametes: egg + sperm cell
  • fertilization: fusion of egg & sperm cell
  • chromosomes: long strands of DNA that carry genes and are found in the nucleus of a cell
  • genes: helps control a specific characteristic within the organism
  • the chemical substance chromosomes are made up of: DNA
  • DNA in a cell determines what a cell does
  • XX: girl — XY: boy
  • zygote: the new cell when the nucleus cell of sperm and egg cell join together
  • Variation: difference within a species
  • variation cost by:
    1. different genetic information (DNA)
    2. environmentnatural selection: variation -DNA-> the best result survives -> populations grow
    3. man interventionartificial selection
  • Amplitude: distance between zero to the peak
  • frequency: how often a waveform is
  • Frequency = Pitch — Amplitude = Loudness
  • amplification (reinforcing)
    1. 2 sound wave with the same amplitude and frequency
    2. frequency: stays the same — amplitude: louder
  • cancellation:
    1. two sound wave same frequency and amplitude yet on the opposite sound
    2. the result would be cancelled (none)
  • interference of sound:
    1. cancellation
    2. amplification
  • unit of wave: Hz (Hertz)
    amplitude: usually in mm
  • frequency: number of waves/time
  • sounds: are made when an object vibrates