Importance of hypothalamus: In charge, receiving information and comparing. If we need to adjust.
1. Vasoconstriction and vasodilation
2. Blood vessels and how they try to get you back into hypothalamus balance
Negative feedback
What it applies to
Chemical classes of hormones
Peptide hormones
Cannot cross the plasma membrane, a receptor on the outside, signal transduction, send a message
Steroid hormones
Solubility, receptor, actions (what is the mode of action, like a steroid goes right into a cell and goes to the nucleus and transpiration factory. Direct gene synthesis as compared to peptide)
Amine hormones
Cannot cross the plasma membrane, a receptor on the outside, signal transduction, send a message
Pituitary gland
Anterior pituitary (true endocrine)
Posterior pituitary (axonal transport, doesn't make anything but stores two hormones)
Know when they'd be released and their mode of action
An animal body's automatic maintenance of a constant and optimal internal environment
Nitrogenous wastes
Types of nitrogenous wastes (picture/graph)
An organism whose body fluids have the same osmotic concentration as the surrounding environment
An organism that maintains a constant internal osmotic concentration regardless of the external environment
In animals, nitrogenous wastes are produced mostly from the catabolism of Proteins
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) functions at the cellular level by Aquaporins transport solute-free waterback into the blood from the tubular cells.
Exam 1 will take place at 8 a.m. on Wednesday
May 1st
Students with AVLs will have their time accommodations honored and automatically built-in if they have arranged to take their exam at ODR through Clockwork only
The exam will be taken in person at 8 a.m. on Wednesday of Week 5
Locations/rooms will be posted next week
The exam will consist of 40 - 45 multiple choice questions taken from the Weeks 1, 2, and 3 material
Students will be required to use Respondus Lockdown Browser for the in-person, closed book exam
A practice area to check if Respondus is properly installed on your devices will be made available this week
Material covered
Chapter 32 part 1 Homeostasis and Endocrine Signaling
Chapter 32 part 2 Osmoregulation and Excretory
Chapter 33 Animal Nutrition
Chapter 34 part 1 – Circulatory System
Chapter 34 part 2 – Respiratory System and Gas Exchange
An animal body's automatic maintenance of a constant and optimal internal environment