
Cards (122)

  • Primary Group- is characterized by long lasting intimate relationship which binds the member together more than the goal
  • Primary Group- is characterized by long lasting intimate relationship which binds the member together more than the goal
  • Secondary group - can be large small and the common interest bind the members together more than their relationship
  • Secondary group - can be large small and the common interest bind the members together more than their relationship
  • In group - one feels a sense of identity and belonginess
  • In group - one feels a sense of identity and belonginess
  • out group - one may feel the same of competitiveness or hostility
  • out group - one may feel that s/he doesnt belong to a group
  • Reference - an individual compares himself/herself
  • Reference - an individual compares himself/herself
  • Reference - Such group strongly influence an individual behaviour and attitudes
  • Network - refers to the ties & linkages between people, their group to which they all belong to.
  • Network - refers to the ties & linkages between people, their group to which they all belong to.
  • Social aggregate - in the same room but no interaction
  • Social aggregate - in the same room but no interaction
  • Social group - collection of individuals who have relationship with one another that make them independent to some significant degree and more on general
  • Social group - collection of individuals who have relationship with one another that make them independent to some significant degree and more on general
  • Kinship - social institution that refers to relations formed between members of society
  • Kinship - social institution that refers to relations formed between members of society
  • Descent - refers to the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality.  it is a biological relationship
  • Descent - refers to the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality.  it is a biological relationship
  • Unilineal descent - usually traced through a single line of ancestor either from the patriliner and matrininer descent but not both
  • Unilineal descent - usually traced through a single line of ancestor either from the patriliner and matrininer descent but not both
  • Patriliner descent - affiliates a person with a group of relatives through his/her father
  • Patriliner descent - affiliates a person with a group of relatives through his/her father
  • Matriliner descent - affiliates a person with a group of relatives through his/her mother
  • Matriliner descent - affiliates a person with a group of relatives through his/her mother
  • Bilateral/bilineal desert - affiliates a person with the group of relatives through either with his/her parents. kinship is traced through both ancestral lines of the mother and the father
  • Bilateral/bilineal desert - affiliates a person with the group of relatives through either with his/her parents. kinship is traced through both ancestral lines of the mother and the father
  • Kinship by blood/ consanguineal kinship - considered as the most basic and general form of relation the relationship is achieved by birth or blood affinity
  • Kinship by blood/ consanguineal kinship - considered as the most basic and general form of relation the relationship is achieved by birth or blood affinity
  • Kinship by marriage/affinal kinship - refers to relationships that are established between individuals who are not related by blood but rather by marriage.
  • Kinship by marriage/affinal kinship - refers to relationships that are established between individuals who are not related by blood but rather by marriage.
  • Monogamy - both married parents only have one spouse or sexual mate
  • Monogamy - both married parents only have one spouse or sexual mate
  • Polygamy - one individual has multiple spouse or sexual mate and general
  • Polygamy - one individual has multiple spouse or sexual mate and general
  • Kinship by marriage/affinal kinship - refers to relationships that are established between individuals who are not related by blood but rather by marriage.
  • Kinship by blood/ consanguineal kinship - considered as the most basic and general form of relation the relationship is achieved by birth or blood affinity
  • Polygyny - man has multiple sexual mate