team structure - is described as a less hierarchical organizational structure in which individuals are divided into teams. In a business setup, team structure involves groups of people who form teams that work toward a common goal of the overall structure.
Team technology defines team dynamics as the "unconscious, psychological forces that influence the direction of a team's behavior and performance".
Team - is a special instance of a group in which the commonality is a shared goal. Team members are dependent on each other for success.
group dynamics - describes the way in which people in a group interact with one another. The group works well together when there is positive group dynamics.
Participation - Encourage participation from across your organization wherein they belong as one.
Collective - Each needs to help the group reach a consensus and then take action collectively on the decisions to make.
Transparency - Feedback and trust are essential elements of collaboration. Being transparent with information is crucial.
Independence - Ensure that group think does not emerge and that people are thinking for themselves.
Persistence - You need to be persistent in your application of these principles, to ensure that all content is kept within the community and easily accessible to all members.
Emergence - You need to ensure that you focus on the end goal rather than worrying about how it is achieved. The collaborative community should set their own goals.
The common principles of collaboration applied to most organizations and other institutions
Director ICT - is responsible for managing the communications, workstations, and servers of the school computer network.
NETWORK TEAM - has a staff of highly trained and certified engineers who can work alongside your current IT staff to do projects that align with your needs and our skills.
INFORMATION SYSTEM GROUPS - includes the people in organizations who design and build information systems, the people who use those systems, and the people responsible for managing those systems.
Telecomms Team - information and communications technology (ICT) encompasses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications.
DESKTOP AND MEDIA SERVICES TEAM - An IT help desk's main function is to enable business processes by providing integrated support.
ONLINE COLLABORATIVE TOOLS AND PROCESSES - Collaboration means working with another individual or with a group in order to achieve something. Online collaboration lets people communicate and work together in real-time over the internet.
Dropbox - Offers online file sharing with local storage and syncing. Dropbox can be used exclusively as a web-based file-sharing tool to easily share files with your friends by uploading and organizing files in folders.
Google Drive - Functions as a file storage and sharing service as well as a site for you to work on documents, spread sheets, presentations and drawings online.
Presentation/Visualization tools - are software used for create a sequence of test and graphics and audio and video to accompany a speech or public presentation.
Prezi - is a tool alternative to PowerPoint that is usually used for business presentations slides zoom in and transition to the next during a presentation.
Project Management - Is the process of planning, organizing and delineating responsibility for the completion of an organizations' specific information technology (IT) goals.
To strengthen your team's dynamic, use the following strategies