
Cards (14)

  • for questions relating to drawing the layers of the earth, make sure the circles are to scale and should be in a pie diagram
  • 2 reasons why population isn't evenly distributed across a country
    • lack of availability of jobs
    • lack of availability of infrastructure
    • lack of availability of resources
  • 3 ways farmers can use water efficiently
    • trickle-drip system
    • reservoir
    • rainwater harvesting
    • bunds
  • How do you randomly sample an area
    • choose certain coordinates on a map
    • use a random number generator
  • 2 benefits of repeat sampling
    • can make comparisons between results
    • can identify anomalies
  • How do biosphere reserves conserve biodiversity
    • acts as a protected area
    • prevents hunting
    • monitors the area
  • define carrying capacity
    the maximum population or number of species that the ecosystem can sustain
  • what will happen to a population if they hit carrying capacity
    • run out of food
    • water shortage
    • overcrowding
  • how do you rehabilitate a mined area?
    • remove waste
    • fill with overburden
    • test for toxins
    • improve the soil through fertiliser aka bioremediation
    • planting of vegetation
  • Why is reducing CO2 levels important?
    • it is a greenhouse gas
    • it contributes to global warming
    • it causes climate change
    • climate change has negative impacts like sea levels rising
  • Describe strategies to reduce electricity consumption for a domestic sector
    • using more efficient appliances
    • turning off light when not in use
    • insulation
    • more windows for natural lighting
    • education/awareness
  • Why is electricity consumption by the transport sector higher in MEDCs than LEDCs
    • MEDC can afford electric cars
    • MEDC has a larger electric public transport system
    • MEDC have more people travelling to work
  • 2 processes that releases carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle
    respiration, combustion
  • Why is conserving ecosystems important?
    • ensures availability for future generations
    • preserves biodiversity
    • prevents disruption of food webs
    • prevents loss of habitats