Cards (20)

  • Psychoanalysis is a therapy as well as a theory
  • Rationalization
    Justification of an unacceptable behavior
  • Intellectualization
    Reasoning to block emotional distress
  • Reaction formation
    Changing unwanted emotions or feelings
  • Acting Out
    Carrying out extreme behavior
  • Projection
    Transferring the drive or behavior that causes anxiety to others
  • Dissociation
    Separating of the memories one can't deal with or doesn't want
  • Compartmentalization
    Separating part of oneself from awareness of other parts
  • Displacement
    Transferring of negative emotion from one person or thing
  • Regression
    Seeking the safety of an earlier development stage
  • Sublimation
    Diverting intolerable impulse to a socially desirable one
  • Compensation
    Balancing apparent weakness by accentuating the strength
  • Repression
    Unconscious forgetting of unwanted thought or trauma
  • Suppression
    Conscious type of forgetting to escape from the problem
  • Splitting
    Seeing everything as bad with nothing in between
  • Using Humor
    Directing on funny aspects of a painful situation
  • Rational choice theory
    A framework for understanding and often formally modeling social and economic behavior
  • assumption is transitivity. This means that if we look at those three options since A is preferable to B is preferable to C, then A is also preferable to C. It's like in math. A is greater than B is greater than C, therefore, A is greater than C.
  • assumption is called the independence of irrelevant alternatives. That's just a big fancy way of saying that if we suddenly have a fourth option, X, that it won't change the order of how it ranked in the first three options. We already have A is better than B is better than C. If X is better than C but worse than B, B isn't suddenly going to be preferable to A. A is still the best option
  • Assumption of completeness means that every action can be ranked. If three possible actions can take, completeness means that none of the options have equal value. A is preferable to B and B is preferable to C. And that C is not then preferable to A because that would be circular and irrational according to our definition.