Technology, particularly the use of internet, is vital in achieving any business goal as it renders every transaction / activity efficient, i.e;, achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted resources
An essential component of the Senior High School Curriculum that fosters equitable access to information and knowledge, which, in turn, open up opportunities
The PhilippineConstitution states that each person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes freedom to hold and express opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers
A person commits libel if he/she, with malice, publishes a false statement that is damaging to another person's reputation, office, trade, business or means of livelihood
Piracy is a form of theft as it takes away from the producers and artists the rightful compensation due them such as patent/royalty fees, product sales revenues, etc.
The Cybercrime PreventionActof2012 (RepublicActNo.10175) covers all other online anomalies such as identity theft, child pornography, data misuse, cybersquatting and other computer-related and internet facilitated practices
Innovation in media would mean new media associated with telephones and communications, computers and internet, virtual worlds, website games, human-computer interface, computer animation and other related media improvements and advancements
Media plays a crucial role in strengthening society as it helps us to know the current societal issues not only locally but also globally. It also enhances the teaching and learning processes inside the four walls of the classrooms
Innovation in media has likewise created new online jobs opportunities such as tutorials in various subjects, airline booking, art selling, product reviews on YouTube, blogging, photography and other IT related jobs
DigitalDiplomacy, also called E-diplomacy or Digidiplomacy is a government's use of social media and information technology to communicate to the public, especially foreign public
Not all media effects are positive. One of the current issues about social media on political affairs is the spread of fake news, both locally and abroad