
Cards (75)

  • Text Color
    directly applied to text.
  • Bold
    Fonts have three general styles as follows:
  • Multimedia
    a combination of text, audio, graphics, video, and animation that is delivered interactively to the user by electronic or digitally manipulated means.
  • Media
    used to represent or do a certain things, delivery medium, a form of mass communication
  • text, audio, graphics, video, and animation
    Components of multimedia
  • 1970
    the term was used to describe presentations consisting of multi-projector slide shows timed to an audio track.
  • 1990
    'multimedia' took on its current meaning
  • Tay Vaughan
    in the 1993 _______ declared "Multimedia as combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation and video that is delivered by computer
  • Bob Goldstein
    The term "Multimedia" was first used by _________ in July 1996 to promote opening of his light works.
  • Digital Media Elements
    Integration of Media
    User Navigation and Control
    Essential Components of Multimedia Applications
  • Text
    information that is meant to be read
  • Images
    information that is meant to be seen or perceived
  • Audio
    information that is meant to be heard
  • Video
    shows an actual capture of a scenario, event, process, or procedure
  • Animation
    shows a representation or simulation of a scenario, event, process, or procedure
  • Integration of Media
    combining different media elements to show something more meaningful
  • Authoring Tools
    Use to merge multimedia elements into a project
  • Proshow Producer
    Adobe Photoshop CS6
    PowerDirector 14
    Examples of Authoring tools applications
  • User Navigation and Control
    Allows the user to traverse through the multimedia application through navigation buttons, links, and menus.
  • Linear Structure
    Information is presented in a sequential manner
  • Non-linear structure
    Information is grouped into small chunks of information. Users have control over the content that is being showed to them and Guided through menus and hyperlinks
  • Allows information to be presented in a more attractive way
    Gets the interest of the user
    Can be entertaining and fun if it is created well
    Present messages in the form of rich-media
    Advantages of Multimedia Applications
  • Business Marketing / Advertising tools
    Public Places
    Importance of Multimedia
  • digitization
    what is the the key factor in the multimedia revolution
  • Image
    represents information that needs to be seen and perceived.
    latin word for image
  • Raster image
    Vector graphic
    Two types of images
  • Raster
    It reflects the real-world scene typically are like photograph, which are captured by cameras, sensors and others. It is generally refers to a photo or drawing of something for art purposes.
  • Raster image
    composed of colored squares called pixels or picture element.
  • Pixels
    tiny dots of individual colors that make up what you see on your screen
  • Image Dimension
    -commonly measure images by inches when you have pictures printed in Kodak or Fuji
    -reflected in the width and height of an image.
    -Usually 3r 3x5 or 4r 4x5 inches.
  • Image Resolution and Quality
    describes how clear the image appears on screen or in print.
  • Scaling
    changing the size of an image without affecting the total no.of pixels or resolution of an image.
  • Resizing
    Changing the size of an image by removing a particular amount of pixels.
  • .JPEG -(Joint Photographic Experts Group)
    .PNG (Portable Network Graphics
    .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
    .PSD (Photoshop Document)

    Raster Image Common Format
  • Microsoft Paint
    Adobe Photoshop
    Corel Photo-Paint
    Corel Paint Shop Pro
    GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

    Examples of raster image editing softwares
  • Vector graphic
    depicts a digitally created image and comprised of objects such as shapes, lines, ovals and curves
  • weight,color,and style.
    Stroke properties
  • Weight property

    refers to the line thickness,typically measured in points.
  • Color property
    describes the color of the line and object