A civilization can also be defined as a complex culture with 6 significant characteristics:
1. Cities5.Writing
2. Government
3. Religion
4. SocialStructure
3 CIVILIZATION OF MESOAMERICA •Mayacivilization (250 A.D. – 900 A.D.)
Developed in what is now called the Yucatan Peninsula
•Azteccivilization (1200 A.D. – 1521 A.D.)
Built their capital on what is now Mexico City
•Incacivilization (1438 A.D. – 1533 A.D.)
Developed in the Andes Mountains in what is now Peru
MAYA CIVILIZATION •The Maya lived in the YucatanPeninsula
•These people are known for their
works in astronomy
•Pyramids at Chichén Itzá
Farming and trading was the focus of the Mayan civilization
•Was composed of city-states, each
governed by a hereditary ruling class.
•Itzamna or Lizard house – Supreme god •Corn, beans, and squash were important
crops. The Maya also traded salt, chocolate,
and cotton with other cultures
•Volcanic eruption
AZTEC CIVILIZATION •Aztec people settled in the Valley of Mexico
and what is now MexicoCity.
•There were over 300,000 people living in the
capital city of Tenochtitlan
•The Aztecs were fiercewarriors who used
military power to build a huge empire
Priests were highly respected. Most important God to the Aztecs
was the Sun God.
• To please their gods, Aztecs
offered human sacrifices for their
Ometeotl – supreme god, and who represented the all powerful forces
of the heaven
•Huitzilopochtli – The god of sun
and of war
INCA CIVILIZATION •The Incas developed in the Andes Mountains
in what is now Peru.
•The Incas were ruled by an emperor who
had absolute power called Pachacuti.
•The name of their god is Inti (sun god).
INCAN ROADS AND BUILDINGS • The Inca built 14,000 miles
of roads on which runners
carried messages to far cities
and the capital of Cuzcǫ.
Many of these roads are still
used today
CALENDARSYSTEM •12 lunar months
(30 days)
BRIDGE • The Q'eswachaka bridge is
the last remaining Inca
suspension bridge.
• Suspension bridges,
which connected Andean
peoples who had previously
been isolated from one
QUIPU •To keep records the
Inca used quipus
which are knotted
cords used as
counting tools
• made of cotton, llama wool and alpaca wool.
It is the host to many
cultural, economic,
scientific, and political
activities of all ages.
The largest continent, it is
composed of 48 countries
and 5 reg
•AYURVEDA – a system of traditional medicine
that originated in ancient India before 2500 BC.
•SUSRUTASAMHITA- ancient tex
ASTRONOMY •Ancient India is also notable in the field of
•SIDDHANTASHIROMANI – the interest in
astronomy was evident in the first 12 chapters in
this book.
MATHEMATICS •ARYABHATA –The father of Indian Mathematics
•BRAHMAGUPTA - who explained the use of zero as a
both placeholder and decimal digit
mathematical analysis