Application of Delphi Technique

Cards (11)

  • Businesses should invite a panel of experts to study the complaints from customers
  • Experts do not have to be in the same place and will be contacted individually
  • A questionnaire consisting of questions on how to improve the quality of products or services must be designed and distributed to the panel members and experts
  • Questionnaire: refers to an instrument with a series of questions and answers used for research purposes
  • The panel should respond to the questionnaire individually to suggest improvements to the products and then return them
  • The responses from the experts must be summarised in a feedback report
  • The feedback report and a second set of questions based on the feedback report must be sent to the panel members
  • The panel members are requested to provide further input or ideas on how to improve the quality of products or services after they have studied the results and documentation
  • A third questionnaire based on the previous feedback is distributed to the panel members and experts
  • A final summary or feedback report with all the methods to improve the quality of products or services is prepared
  • After consensus has been reached, the best solution is chosen