Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds
Most organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen, but they may also include any number of other elements (e.g., nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur)
Originally limited to the study of compounds produced by living organisms, organic chemistry has been broadened to include human-madesubstances (e.g. pharmaceuticals, plastics....)
When the Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago, it was formed without life
About 3.95 billion years ago, there was life on Earth
Simultaneous activation of H2, CO2 and N2 on mineral surfaces leading to the formation of a variety of biologically relevant molecules, such as amino acids, nucleic acid bases and cofactors
Molecules, such as pyruvate, acetate, methanol and ammonia, are known to form on transition metal containing surfaces
Organic chemistry is the study of compoundscontainingcarbon with the exception of simple compounds e.g. carbonates (CO3^2-), carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO)
Organic chemistry describes the structures, properties, preparation, and reactions of a vast array of molecules that we call organic compounds
There are many different types of organic compounds, but all have carbon as their principal constituent atom
These carbon atoms form a carbonskeleton or carbon backbone that has other bonded atoms such as H, N, O, S, and the halogens (F, Cl, Br, and I)
Why is carbon special?
Carbon is unlike no other element able to build covalent bonds with himself an other elements
Octet rule
Catoms primarily bond to eachother to form the molecular skeleton or backbone of organic molecules
H atoms bond to the various C atoms, or to other atoms such as N and O
The simplest organic molecule
sp3 hybridization
Mixing of ansorbital and threeporbitals to produce four hybrid orbitals
ALL tetrahedral carbon and nitrogen atoms in organic chemistry are sp3 hybridized
C single bond
Free rotation around single bonds
Rotation barrier (12 kJ/mol)
C=C double bond
ALL trigonal carbons such as those found in double bonds are sp2 hybridized
The unused p orbital on each carbon overlaps to form the π part of the double bond
Free rotation of the double bond is not possible, a C-C-σ bond can rotate but a C-C-π bond hastobeopened, need high energy, spontaneous not possible
C=C triple bond
ALL linear carbons such as those found in triple bonds are sp hybridized
The unused p orbitals on each carbon overlap to form the π parts of the triple bond
Per C atom in ethyne (acetylene) there is one C-H bond, one C-C-σ bond, and two π bonds by overlapping of the p-orbitals, no free rotation
Types of organic compounds
Alkenes (C-C double bond)
Alkynes (C-C triple bond)
Arenes (special bonds represented as alternating single and double C-C bonds in a six-membered ring)
Looking only at hydrocarbons, there is a huge number of structural varieties possible
Chemists have learned through years of experience that organic compounds can be classified into families according to their structuralfeatures and that the members of a given family often have similarchemicalreactivity
Instead of 40 million compounds with random reactivity, there are a few dozen families of compounds whose chemistry is reasonably predictable
Classification of organic compounds
Cyclic compounds
Alicyclic compounds
There are over 40 million known organic compounds, so nomenclature is very important
The nomenclature is based on the rule of the International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Alkane names
Compounds with C-Csinglebonds and C-Hbondsonly (no functional groups)
Connecting carbons can lead to large or small molecules
Alkanes are saturated with hydrogen (no more can be added)
Also called aliphatic compounds
Universal formula CnH2n+2
The molecular formula of an alkane with more than three carbons can give more than one structural isomer
Alkane physical properties
Boiling points and melting points increase as size of alkane increases
Forces between molecules (temporary dipoles, dispersion) are weak Van-der-Waals forces
Alkanes are lipophilic and hydrophobic, not soluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents