Use of Media

Cards (10)

  • Maintenance media -(supports growth of many kinds of microorgs)Ex. thioglycollate broth and tetrathionate broth
  • Transport media -(maintains growth of microorgs while specimen is in transit from the site of collection to the lab for culture)
  • Simple media -(ordinary; not enriched; simple microorgs are cultivated; satisfactory for gen lab purposes)
  • Simple media - can be modified into special purpose media
  • Nutrient agar - example of simple media
  • Selective specific media - contain agents like dyes, antibiotics bile and callurite have been added to inhibit some microorganisms bit allow the growth of particular microorganisms
  • Differential media - used in the differentiation and identification of microorganisms
  • EMB agar and SSA - examples of differential media
  • MacConkey agar - differentiates lactose fermenters (pink colonies) from non-lactose fermenters (colorless to white colonies)
  • Enrichment or special media - intended for certain fastidious microorganisms - Lowenstein Jensen for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Loaffler's medium for Corynebacterium diphtheriae