chapter 1 (introduction) - provides general explanation of what the researcher will discuss
introduction - establishes the scope, context, and significance of the study
background of the study - convey the central argument of your study
review of related literature - comprehensive review of existing literature pertaining to a specific topic/reseach question
statement of the problem - enumerates the research questions that the study soughts to answer
objectives of the study - a sentence or question that summarizes the purpose of the study
significance of the study - what the study will contribute, written as part of introduction.
scope and delimitation - broader parameters/boundary of research
definition of terms - helps in understanding of concepts or factors that will be encountered in the study
Chapter 2 (Methodology) - specific procedures/techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze info about topic
research design - method for finding out what the researcher wants to know, experiment, and correlate
population and sampling - target group under investigation
respondents of the study - thei characteristics/responses are the object of study in research
research instrument - a tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data
data-gathering procedure
the process of gathering and measuring info on variables of interest
statistical treatment of data - taking raw data and turning it into something that can be interpreted
CHAPTER 3 ( PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA ) - This chapter presents the results of the study and discusses the implications of these findings to the research issues tackled.
CHAPTER 4: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - This chapter contains the summary of the findings of the research study, the conclusions are drawn from these findings and the recommendations forwarded grounded the conclusions.
BIBLIOGRAPHY - It is a list of books and other source material that you have used in preparing a research paper.