
Cards (3)

  • Building of the Berlin War facts?
    • It ran through the centre of Berlin, cutting off the West
    • Buildings overlooking the wall were demolished or had their windows bricked up
    • It was originally made of barbed wire
    • Wire was replaced with a concrete wall
    • It was guarded by watch towers, guard dogs, search lights and more.
    • People tried to escape by tunnels, swimming the canal, hot air balloons, driving through, jumping out of windows
  • What was the Berlin Airlift?
    • Stalin blocked all routes by land and rail to West Berlin to try and make the Allies give up all control of Berlin
    • No food or resources could get through the blockade
    • The West supplied resources through airlifts for 11 months
    • Soviets couldn't shut down the airlift without starting a war
    • West Berlin still suffered from shortages and rationing was introduced
    • Eventually, the routes to Berlin were opened again when the USSR realised their plan wasn't working
  • Impact of Berlin on international relationships?
    • Kennedy was worried the Soviet’s would start a nuclear war if they intervened
    • Kennedy had promised Kruschev that he would remove his troops is the USSR did
    • The US felt that people in West Berlin were protected enough
    • The wall caused no standoffs with the US and USSR troops
    • It made USSR look weak
    • It intensified the arms race