In context-sensitive inflection, the realization of a morphosyntactic feature varies.
Concord or agreement occurs when one element in a sentence takes on the morphosyntactic features of another element.
Sufijo comitativo
accion de compañia, union o acciòn conjunta
formas no personales del verbo
no expresan persona gramatical (primera, segunda o tercera persona) infinitivo, gerundio y participio
es la unión o convergencia de dos o más unidades lingüísticas que tenían un origen diferente, pero que acaban siendo una misma forma o expresión. Es un proceso común en la evolución de las lenguas.
Oraciones de relativo
oraciones subordinadas adjetivas o de relativo que modifican a un sustantivo o pronombre de la oración principal. Restrictivas y apositivas
Oraciones de relativo restrictivas
Aportan información esencial para identificar al antecedente (el sustantivo al que se refieren). Sin ellas, la oración principal carecería de sentido completo.
Oraciones de relativo apositivas (o explicativas)
implemente añaden información adicional, un dato accesorio sobre el antecedente, pero no es imprescindible para entender la oración principal.
Preterito e imperfecto
hablan sobre acciones pasadas
Pretérito (o pretérito perfecto simple): acciones pasadas que se consideran completas, específicas y limitadas en el tiempo. Se utiliza para eventos puntuales que ocurrieron en un momento específico en el pasado.
Imperfecto (o pretérito imperfecto): acciones pasadas que son habituales, continuas, repetidas o que no tienen un inicio o fin claramente definido en el pasado. También se usa para describir acciones que estaban en curso en un momento específico en el pasado o para establecer el contexto de una narración.
se refiere a una palabra que se une al final de otra palabra o forma verbal. En español, los enclíticos son principalmente pronombres que se añaden al final de un verbo conjugado, formando una sola palabra."Dámelo",
all and only criterion
whether a certain linguistic category (sound, word, syntactic structure) belong to a class or category
if only it satisfies all properties of a class
breaking down sentences into syntactic components on how they are related to each other
syntax tree
visual representation
each node a syntactic constituent and its relationship to other nodes
functional syntax
meaning and function of words
syntactic structures in a sentences
formal syntax
abstract structure of the sentence itself
meaning of a sentence by combining the structural relationship between words
transformaciones sintacticas
cambios en la estructura supergiciak de la oracion no altera el significado profundo
generaciòn de oraciones mas complejas a partir de simples
voz pasiva
verbo ser + pasado participio del verbo principal
levels of language structure
phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics
leaving out words than can be inferred from the context, the remain words are constituents
constituency test
method to determine whether a group of words is a constituent
substitution: replacing a group of words with a single word or pronoun
movement: move the group within the sentence
coordination: joining a group within a coordinating conjunctions
types of collocations
adjective-noun: heavy rain
verb-object: make a desicion
verb-preposition: get on a train
fixed phrase
based on linguistic/cultural convention
sentence builder
type of ficed phrase
combining elements in a specific order
subcategorization of verbs
Transitive verbs: verbs that require a direct object
intransitive verbs: do not take a do. the bird flew
ditransitive verbs: both d.o, i.o
transitive directional verbs: d.o indicate direction or location
selectional restrictions
constraints ion the type of complement that can be used with particular word, based on the meaning of the word
phase structure
hierarchical structure of phrases
dependacy structure
representing the relationships between words in a sentence
highly constrained phrase
limited variability in structure and meaning
prepositional phrase: always work as an adverbial modifier
components of a phrase
head: syntactic category
modifiers: aditional information about the head
non fintite/ finite verbs
non finite marked for tense, person, and number, infinities, gerunds, particles
finit: conjugate for tense, person, number
move at the beginning for emphasis
group of words: subject+predicate
independant, dependant
main clause
stand alone
complete tought
subordinate clause
presence of subordinate conjunction or relative pronoun
complement: of the main clause
relative: modifies the noun, introduce by relative pronun
subordinate clause types
adverbial: when/where/how/why
adjectival: noun in the main clause
nominal: subject,object, complement of the main clause
additional information or context
condition or concession
Clause of concession vs clause of condition
Conseccion: contrary to what might be expected: although, even though
condition: hypothetical situation met to the main clause to be true: if, unless
generative grammar
small and finite set of rules
it can be used to "generate" or produce sentence structures and not just describe them.
How some superficially different phrases and sentences are closely
how some superficially similar phrases and sentences are in fact