Cards (5)

  • Reasons for the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    • Castro takes control and sets up a communist government
    • Spy planes proved missiles had been placed in Cuba
    • These missiles could strike any major US city
    • The Soviets were testing new president JFK
    • The failure of the Bay of Pigs made America look bad
    • America refused to buy sugar from Cuba so Soviets bought it instead
  • Results of the crisis?
    • France withdrew from NATO
    • A blockade was set up to stop missiles
    • Khrushchev was sacked
    • A hotline was set up between the white house and kremlin
    • China criticized the soviets for backing down
    • US missiles were removed from turkey
    • Nuclear war was avoided
    • Intensified the arms race
  • Domestic pressures on Kennedy?
    • Many senators put pressure on him to win the space race
    • Kennedy had to ensure advantage in the arms race
    • The civil rights movement urged him to take action against racism
    • He needed to tackle unemployment during the economic crisis
    • He tried to lower taxes
    • Kennedy intervened against racism
  • Khrushchev domestic pressures?
    • De-Stalinization
    • He criticised the purges and communist fear
    • Khrushchev took different roads to socialism
  • The monroe doctrine declared that the United States would not allow European countries to interfere with independent governments in the Americas.