The behaviourist approach emphasises the role of learning in the acquisition of behaviour
The behaviourist approach in explaining phobias focuses on the behavioural characteristics of phobias, e.g. avoidance, endurance and panic
Hobart Mowrer (1960) introduced the two process model based on the behaviourist approach to explaining phobias
The model states:
phobias are acquired through classical conditioning
phobias are maintained by operant conditioning
classical conditioning states that we learn to associate something that we do not fear with something that triggers a fear
After an association has formed, the conditioned stimulus causes a response of fear and consequently, we develop a phobia
Watson and Rayner (1920) created a phobia in a 9 month old baby called Little Albert
Little Albert (1920):
no signs of anxiety when shown a rat at first
showed a rat at the same time as a loud, frightening noise (iron bar)
noise= unconditioned stimulus, produces an unconditioned response
neutral stimulus becomes associated with UCS, both produce fear response
the rat becomes a conditioned stimulus and produces fear
conditioning becomes generalised to similar objects: fluffy objects, non-white rabbits, santa's beard
phobias are long lasting, Mowrer said this is because they are maintained through operant conditioning
operant conditioning occurs when the behaviours are either reinforced or punished
reinforcement increases the frequency of a behaviour
avoidance behaviours are strengthened through negative reinforcement
Mowrer proposed that whenever we avoid a phobic stimulus, we escape the fear and anxiety that we would have suffered if we remained there- this is negative reinforcement
evolutionary purposes- some fears (snakes and heights) are innate in order to avoid danger, Seligman (1971)
phobias don't always follow trauma- SLT suggests children can develop phobias as a result of seeing parent's phobias
cognitive aspects- does not explain irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions
real world application- flooding helps treat phobias