
Cards (33)

  • at pater Anchises penitus convalle virenti
    But father Anchises, deep within a green valley
  • inclusas animas superumque ad lumen ituras lustrabat
    was surveying the souls (which were) shut in and about to go to the light above,
  • Studio recolens
    Going over/ pondering (them) with eagerness,
  • omnemque suorum forte recensebat numerum
    And by chance he was considering/counting the whole number of his own (people)
  • carosque nepotes fataque fortunasque virum moresque manusque.
    And his dear descendants, both the fates and fortunes of the men, and their customs and deeds.
  • isque ubi tendentem adversum per gramina vidit / Aenean
    And he, when he saw Aeneas striding towards him across the grass
  • alacris palmas utrasque tetendit
    He eagerly stretched out both palms
  • effusaeque genis lacrimae et vox excidit ore:
    And tears poured forth over his cheeks and a cry escaped from his mouth:
  • venisti tandem, tuaque exspectata parenti vicit iter durum pietas?
    'Have you come at last, and has your devotion, awaited by your father, overcome the harsh journey?
  • datur ora tueri, nate, tua et notas audire et reddere voces?
    Is it permitted to look at your face, my son, and to both hear and respond with familiar voices?
  • sic equidem ducebam animo rebarque futurum
    Thus indeed I was considering (it) in my mind and I was thinking that it would happen
  • tempora dinumerans, nec me mea cura fefellit
    counting the time, nor did my concern deceive me.
  • quas ego te terras et quanta per aequora vectum accipio!
    Carried over what lands and over what great seas, I receive you!
  • quantis iactatum, nate, periclis!
    Tossed by what great dangers, my son!
  • quam metui ne quid Libyae tibi regna nocerent!'
    How I feared that the kingdoms of Libya would harm you in some way!"
  • ille autem: 'tua me, genitor, tua tristis imago
    Aeneas however [said]: " Your [ghost], father, your sad ghost,
  • saepius occurrens haec limina tendere adegit;
    So often appearing, compelled me to reach these thresholds
  • stant sale Tyrrheno classes. da iungere dextram,
    The fleets are moored in the Tuscan sea. Allow me to clasp your right hand,
  • da, genitor, teque amplexu ne subtrahe nostro.'
    Allow me, father, and do not withdraw yourself from my embrace."
  • sic memorans largo fletu simul ora rigabat
    Speaking thus, at the same time he was moistening his face with copious tears.
  • ter conatus ibi collo dare bracchia circum;
    Three times there he tried to put his arms around his neck;
  • ter frustra comprensa manus effugit imago,
    Three times the ghost, seized in vain, escaped his hands,
  • par levibus ventis volucrique simillima somno
    like the light winds and most similar to winged sleep.
  • interea videt Aeneas in valle reducta
    Meanwhile, in a remote valley, Aeneas sees
  • seclusum nemus et virgulta sonantia silvae,
    A secluded grove and the rustling undergrowth of a wood,
  • Lethaeumque domos placidas qui praenatat amnem.
    and the river Lethe which flows past peaceful homes.
  • hunc circum innumerae gentes populique volabant:
    Around it countless tribes and peoples were flying:
  • ac veluti in pratis ubi apes aestate serena
    Just like in the meadows when the bees on a bright summer
  • floribus insidunt variis et candida circum lilia funduntur
    settle on various flowers and swarm around white lilies,
  • strepit omnis murmure campus.
    the whole plain hums with their murmuring.
  • horrescit visu subito causasque requirit inscius Aeneas,

    Aeneas, not knowing, shudders at the sudden sight and asks the reasons
  • quae sint ea flumina porro
    what are those rivers in the distance,
  • quive viri tanto complerint agmine ripas
    Or which men have filled the banks in such a great crowd.