Toxoplasmagondii a protozoanparasite that infects most species of warm-bloodedanimals, including humans.
Causes the disease toxoplasmosis.
Definitive host is familyFelidae.
The life cycle of Toxoplasma involves sexual reproduction within cats (definitive hosts) and asexual reproduction within intermediate hosts such as rodents, birds, and humans.
Cyst Of T.gondii
•5-50um in diameter
• spherical in brain but elongated in cardiac and skeletalmuscles.
CystsofT.gondii most common in brain and skeletal and cardiacmuscles.
T. gondii trophozoite
Size: 4-8 um long × 2-3 um wide
tapered anterior end
blunt posterior end
Large nucleus
Infective stage of T. gondii
Asexuals stages of T. Gondii
T. Gondii can be seen in the CNS.
Similar to Plasmodium falciparum. T. Gondii
Commonmanifestation of T. Gondii in humans. Lymphadenitis
Severemanifestation of Toxoplasmosis in immunosuppressed patient with AIDS . Encephalitis
Diagnosis for T. gondii.
Tested for IgGantibody to detect latentinfection.
PCR specimen taken e.g serum, amniotic fluid ,cerebrospinal fluid
Treatment for T gondii.
Pyrimethamine (25mgdaily) and sulfadiazine (1-1.5gfourtimesdaily)combination for onemonth.
T. gondii for immunocompromised patients -trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole