Counselling is defined that it is an art and a science.
AsanArt the subjective dimension of counseling and a flexible and creative process where the counselor creates an approach to meet the needs of the client.
AsaScience objective
dimension of the counseling process.
InformalHelpingakin with formal helping using ways like empathy, good listening skills, and caring capacity.
GuidanceandCounselingActof2004 profession that implicates the application of “an integrated approach to the development of a well-functioning individual”.
Goals of counselling
Development goals
Preventive goals
Enhancement goals
Remedial goals
Exploratory goals
Reinforcement goals
Cognitive goals
Physiological goals
Psychological goals
Development Goals assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness.
PreventiveGoals - helps the client avoid some undesired outcomes
EnhancementGoals enhance special skills and abilities.
RemedialGoals - assisting clients to overcome and treat undesirable outcomes.
ExploratoryGoals examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities, etc
ReinforcementGoals - helps clients in recognizing one’s self, how they think, do, and feeling
CognitiveGoals involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills.
PhysiologicalGoals involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good health
PsychologicalGoals - aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control, and developing positive self-concept