Cards (7)

  • Stagnation in Medieval Development

    • Lack of innovation compared to previous ancient civilizations
    • Focus on survival due to poverty, famine, and war
    • Limited progress in medicine and other fields
  • Challenges in Medieval Society
    • Poverty, famine, and war were prevalent
    • Food shortages during bad harvests led to malnutrition and illness
    • Wars caused further illness and injury, exacerbating societal issues
  • Belief in Supernatural Causes
    • People attributed illness to divine punishment or malevolent spirits
    • Religious practices were followed to avoid sickness
    • Supernatural beliefs persisted despite scientific advancements in other areas
  • The Concept of the Four Humours
    • Originated from the Greek philosopher Hippocrates
    • Theory stated that the body consisted of four fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
    • Imbalance in these humours was believed to cause illness
  • Hygiene Issues
    • Cramped medieval towns lacked proper sanitation and cleanliness
    • Waste disposal was rudimentary, leading to contamination of streets and water sources
    • Lack of hygiene created breeding grounds for disease-carrying pests like rats and flies
  • The Black Death (1348)

    • Devastating epidemic during the 14th century
    • Spread by plague-infested rats on a ship from East Europe
    • Wiped out entire villages at alarming speed
  • Misconceptions Surrounding the Black Death
    • Blamed on supernatural causes like punishment from God or alignment of stars
    • Some attributed it to smells or even blamed the Jewish community
    • Truth: caused by unhygienic living conditions rather than supernatural forces