Intended for competition only for the reason that it is considered as the most difficult and tiring stroke
Head Position: Exhale with the head down, looking at the bottom, chin near the chest, Inhale with the head up, chin on the water level, looking forward, The head must move to get the body undulation. The body follows the head
Arm Position: Hands enter the water first, proper width, elbows up, Catch the water with the proper hand and wrist action, Elbows up throughout the stroke, Acceleration through push/pull phase, Ballistic-like follow through on recovery, Lift of shoulders and elbows into recovery
Legs (Dolphin Kick): Two beat kick for each arm cycle, Whip-like action of legs and feet, Feet "bounce" up after each down kick, Feet cause water to "boil" without breaking surface, Knees bend at beginning of down kick - Straighten - hyperextension at the end of the kick