social nd political

Cards (8)

  • Weimar
    The new democratic government formed in Germany after World War I
  • Groups that wanted a revolution in Germany
    • Ex-soldiers
    • Communists
    • Nationalists
  • Weimar was too weak to stop these uprisings on their own, so they relied on the Freikorps (free corps) to crush the uprisings
  • Weimar Constitution
    • Included voting rights for men and women over 20
    • Used proportional representation for elections
    • Reichstag was the sovereign authority
    • President elected every 7 years, Chancellor headed the cabinet
  • The Weimar Constitution was described as the most liberal and democratic document of its time, but had two main problems: proportional representation leading to weak coalition governments, and Article 48 allowing the President to rule by decree
  • Conditions of the Treaty of Versailles
    • German army limited to 100,000 soldiers
    • No air force, tanks or submarines allowed
    • Germany had to pay 132 billion gold marks in reparations
    • Germany lost 13 of its colonies
  • The Treaty of Versailles was extremely unpopular in Germany, leading to the "stab in the back" theory and further challenges for the Weimar government
  • Problems faced by Weimar
    • Economic issues
    • Organizational issues
    • Unpopularity and uprisings from left and right
    • Reparation payments