A way of opposing somebody without using anykindofforce
Extremely high inflation where money becomes almost worthless
Hatred or bad feelings that someone might have
The German government ordered workers to follow passive resistance by stopping work and not producing anything the French could take
The German government printedmoremoney to pay workers, but this led to hyperinflation as there was more moneychasingfewergoods
Hyperinflation resulted in prices running out of control, e.g. a loaf of bread costing 250marks in January1923 rising to 200,000millionmarks in November1923
Hyperinflation ruined the German economy and particularly badly hit middle-classpeople with savings
Children used stacksofworthlessmoney as building blocks, and people needed trolleys to carry enough money to buy a loaf of bread
The French invaded the Ruhr, Germany's main industrial area, to try to recoup reparations owed under the Treaty of Versailles
Germany's army was limited to 100,000soldiers under the Treaty of Versailles, so they could not fight back against the French invasion