
Cards (25)

  • Enzyme
    A biological catalyst
  • Role of enzyme in digestion

    Catalyses chemical reactions in the body
  • Small intestine absorption
    • Highly folded to increase surface area
    • One cell thick to reduce distance for absorption
    • Network of blood capillaries to maintain steep concentration gradient
  • Main types of microorganisms
    • Bacteria
    • Fungi
    • Virus
  • Bacteria
    • Size: 0.2-2 μm
    • Living: yes
    • Reproduction: binary fission
    • Examples: coccus, bacillus, vibrio
  • Fungi
    • Size: 2-10 μm
    • Living: yes
    • Reproduction: forms fruiting bodies that release spores
    • Examples: yeast, mushrooms, mold
  • Virus
    • Size: 20-400 nm
    • Living: no
    • Reproduction: attach and enter into a cell, then replicate themselves in the cell, then assemble, and then release all the viruses that were created into the body and the process repeats
    • Examples: COVID, the flu, HIV
  • Aseptic technique for culturing microorganisms
    1. Get a petri dish and cover the bottom in agar without letting it touch the air
    2. Take a disinfected cotton bud and swab the area you want to test
    3. Open the petri dish to the very minimum and gently swab the cotton bud onto the petri dish, careful not to break the agar
    4. Close the lid and tape it together
    5. Store in an incubator upside down
  • Pathogen
    A microorganism that causes disease
  • How pathogens spread
    • Direct contact
    • Airborne
    • Insects
    • Dogs
    • Contaminated food
    • Water
    • Body fluids
  • Types of medicine
    • Aspirin
    • Digoxin
    • Antidepressants
    • Morphine
    • Antibiotics
  • Aspirin
    Treats headaches, toothaches, brings down temperatures for colds + flu-like symptoms, comes from willow bark (now officially synthesised)
  • Digoxin
    Treats heart failure, comes from foxglove plant
  • Antidepressants
    Treat OCD, PTSD + depression, come from saffron, tumeric, st john's wort
  • Morphine
    Treats severe pain, comes from drying latex of opium poppies
  • Antibiotics
    Treat bacterial infections, come from soil bacteria + fungi
  • How antibiotics treat bacterial infections
    They cause ruptures in the bacteria cell wall which means that when they try to expand and reproduce, they burst and die
  • Methods of preserving food
    • Pickling
    • Curing (salting/drying)
    • Freezing
    • Pasteurizing
    • Cooking
    • Canning
    • Oiling
  • How pickling works
    Acidity kills microbes on the food and no new ones can survive, acidity de-natures the microbes enzymes
  • How curing works

    Dehydrates the food + microbes on it, works because microbes need water/moisture to grow and thrive
  • How freezing/chilling works

    Cold temperatures slow down microbes reactions in their cells which makes them grow and reproduce at a very slow rate
  • How pasteurizing works

    Uses high heat and pressure to denature enzymes and kill the microbes so they cannot grow
  • How cooking works

    Denatures the enzymes, microbes cannot survive under such high heat and are therefore removed from the food
  • How canning works
    Microbes are killed using the heat and then are sealed in a can, no oxygen and therefore microbes cannot survive
  • How oiling works

    Oxygen cannot dissolve in oil very easily, no oxygen means microbes cannot survive