Biology pt1. Plant reproduction

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  • Learning Objectives
    Know what pollination is and understand how flowers can be dated by their features
  • Plant Reproduction
    The process by which plants produce new plants
  • Plants are always trying to make new plants, which is called reproduction
  • The Flower
    • Contains the reproductive organs
  • Parts of the flower
    • Stamens
    • Carpels
    • Petals
    • Sepals
  • Stamens
    The male parts of the flower, consisting of the anther and filament. The anther contains pollen grains which produce the male sex cells.
  • Carpels
    The female parts of the flower, consisting of the stigma, style and ovary. The ovary contains the female sex cells.
  • Petals
    Often brightly coloured to attract insects needed for pollination
  • Sepals
    Green and leaf-like, protect the flower in the bud and are found below the main petals
  • Pollination
    The process of getting pollen from the stamen to the stigma
  • Types of pollination
    • Self-pollination
    • Cross-pollination
  • Wind pollination
    • Long filaments hang the anthers outside the flower so a lot of pollen is blown away
    • Stigmas are feathery to catch pollen as it's carried past in the wind
    • Usually small dull petals on the flower
    • No scent or nectaries
  • Insect pollination
    • Bright coloured petals to attract insects
    • Scented flowers with nectaries (glands that produce nectar for insects to feed on)
    • Sticky stigma to take the pollen off the insect as it goes from plant to plant
  • Broducfo
    How plants and animals make their young
  • Humans are mammals
  • Humans reproduce in the same way that other mammals do
  • Game
    What a game is
  • Male reproductive system
    Parts of the male reproductive system and what each part is for
  • Female reproductive system
    Parts of the female reproductive system
  • Menstrual cycle
    Four main stages of the menstrual cycle and when they occur
  • Male reproductive system
    • Sperm are made in the testes after puberty
    • Sperm mix with liquid to make semen, which is ejaculated from the penis during sexual intercourse
  • Sperm are the male sex cells or "gametes"
  • One of the two ovaries releases an egg every 28 days
  • If the egg isn't fertilised by sperm, it will die after about a day and pass out of the vagina
  • The menstrual cycle takes 28 days
  • Menstrual cycle stages
    1. Bleeding starts as the lining of the uterus breaks down and passes out of the vagina
    2. The lining of the uterus starts to build up again
    3. An egg is released from the ovaries
    4. The wall remains thick awaiting the arrival of a fertilised egg, if this doesn't happen then the lining breaks down and the cycle starts again
  • The menstrual cycle occurs from the age of puberty