Cards (16)

  • Philtrum - the groove in the lip and middle of the nose separating the nostrils.
  • Philtrum - deep in the carnivores and small ruminants; shallow or absent in pig, ox, and horse.
  • Nasal Diverticulum is also called False Nostril.
  • Nasal Diverticulum - the dorsal passage through the horse's nostrils into a blind cutaneous pouch.
  • When "tubing" a horse, a thumb placed in the diverticulum will aid in directing the tube into the ventral nasal meatus.
  • Rostral Bone - the bone in the nose of a pig to help it "root".
  • Lateral ventricle of the larynx - present in the horse, pig, and dog; absent in cat and ruminant.
  • Respiratory System - the connected structures from the nostrils and oral cavity to and including the lungs.
  • Nasal cavity - the facial portion of the respiratory tract extending from the nostrils to the caudal nares.
  • Laryngeal cavity - the space enclosed by the laryngeal cartilages, muscles, ligaments, and mucous membrane.
  • Tracheal bronchus - the bronchus in ruminants and pigs arising cranial to the tracheal bifurcation to the supply the right lung's cranial lobe.
  • Generalized pattern of lobes (Lungs) - two lobes on the left (cranial and caudal) and four on the right (cranial, caudal, middle, and accessory).
  • Carnivores, pig, and ruminants - have the generalized pattern of lobes (lungs).
  • Ruminants - both right and left cranial lobes of lungs are divided into cranial and caudal parts.
  • Ruminants - have distinct connective tissue septa in the lung tissue.
  • Horse - missing the right middle lobe, thus only has three lobes on the right, five total. The lobes are not divided by distinct fissures.