Cards (4)

  • PM as leader
    Power to the PM
    • Perceived as leader and rep. of the nation
    Power to Cabinet
    • Cabinet can ultimately remove the PM from office - Thatcher, Blair and Johnson
    • PM can become less influential if they have a minority government
  • PM's patronage powers
    Power to the PM
  • PM's patronage powers
    Power to the PM
    • Power over ministers and can demand loyalty
    • PM can bypass Cabinet on certain issues
    Power to Cabinet
    • If the Cabinet is determined, a majority of members can overrule the PM e.g. July 2022 Johnson's support collapsed en masse
  • PM's power as chair
    Power to the PM
    • PM chairs the Cabinet and controls its agenda and therfore the governing process
    Power to Cabinet
    • PMs who lead divided parties and have low opinion ratigs face Cabinets more willing to exert their influence over policy making
    • May appointed Brexit ‘big beasts’ such as Davis and Joson, who often defied CMR in openly challenging her Brexit policies
    • 2010-15 - Cameron challenged by influential Eurosceptics