The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ
The son of God, a person who was bothGod and man, the Messiah sent by God to save the human race from Sin.
Christian Holy Book, made up of two sections – ‘Old’and‘New’ Testaments
New Testament
A collection of 27 books recording the life and times of Jesus, his disciples and the Early Church
Old Testament
A collection of 39 books, recording the history of the nation of Israel, the law given to Moses and prophecies for the future
Literally meaning ‘Good News’. The 1st four books of the New Testament relating to the life and teachings of Jesus. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
Nicene Creed
Dated 325 C.E. a statement of ChristianFaith
Apostles' Creed
Origins in the 4th century, another statement of faith.
A recogniseddistinctbranch or group within Christianity with its owntraditions and organisation
Roman Catholic Church
Largest Christian denomination.Headed by the pope in Rome and claims to have began with Jesus and St Paul the 1st Bishop of Rome.
Orthodox Christianity
A large Christian denomination which claims its origins to Jesus. It formally splitfrom the CatholicChurch in 1054 AD in the ‘Great Schism’
Anglican Church or Church of England
He largest of the ‘protestant’ Churches and also a ‘World Church’.Headed by the Queen of England and founded by Henry VIII in the 1530s.
Protestant Churches
An umbrella term that covers a number of small denominations who reject the authority of the hierarchy of the Catholic and / or Orthodox Church
Society of Friends (Quakers)
A liberal protestant movement founded in 1650. They rejectformal worship and liturgy.
Baptist Church
A large protestant denomination founded in 1612. They believe that only professing believers should be baptised (adult baptism)
The belief in one God
The belief that God cares for each individual and interacts with them individually
The belief that God can and does forgive or pardon sins or wrong deeds
The belief that God in ‘inside’ creation, meaning He works in the world
The belief that God is ‘outside’ creation, meaning God is not restricted by the laws of the universe
The belief that God is all-powerful
The belief that God is all-knowing (past, present and future knowledge)
The belief that God is all-good and the source of goodness in the world
The belief that God will judgeeachperson’ssoul at the endoftime to determine their afterlife.
The belief that God has alwaysexisted, will always exist and is beyond the restrictions of time and space
The belief that there is only one God, but three persons in one, GodtheFather, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
God the Father
The belief that God is the Creator of the Universe, FatherofJesus, lovingparent to Hiscreation
God the Son
The belief in Jesus as God incarnate, or God in human form
God the Holy Spirit
The belief that God is with his creation today, the power that actsinsidecreation and aidsbelievers
The belief that Godmade the universefrom nothing (ex nihilo)
The belief that Godthe Son was the agent of Creation in the gospel of John (John 1 :1-14)
The belief that God gave Adam and Eve control or authority over creation
The belief that God has given humankind the responsibility of looking after His creation, to care for it
The Fall
The belief that God made the world perfect, but human free will and disobedience (story of Adam and Eve) resulted in a state of sin
Original Sin
The belief that due to Adam and Eve’s disobedience, all humankind is tainted and in a state of sin.
Literal interpretation of the Bible
The belief that the Bible is literally‘true’word for word. This is the stance taken by many Evangelical and fundamentalist Christianse.g.Creation over 7 days
Liberal interpretation of the Bible
The belief that the Bible is a productof it’s time, inspired by a sense of God, but not‘literaltruth’. This stance is taken by many e.g. Quakers
‘God Inspired’ interpretation of the Bible
The belief that the Bible is ‘true’, but not word for word. The Bible was inspired by God, not dictated by God. Most Christians hold this view e.g. Catholics and Anglicans
Moral Evil
The sufferingcaused by humanaction or inaction, due to human sin and freewill
The sufferingcaused by nature as a result of the corruption of the perfection of creation due to the ‘Fall’ of humankind